Alumni Council Gold Medals are awarded annually to recognize alumni and faculty who have demonstrated distinguished service to the College.
Sigmund C. Giambruno '51 was awarded the Alumni Council Gold Medal for his long time service to Union College and his unwavering Union spirit. Giambruno has served as class vice president, member of the local alumni chapter, Annual Fund volunteer, ReUnion volunteer, a member of Friends of Union Athletics, and the Alumni Council.
An Alumni Council Gold Medal was awarded to Albert V. Nahmias '66 for the energy and enthusiasm he has dedicated to Union College. Nahmias has worked tirelessly on behalf of the College in a range of capacities: chairman of the Annual Fund, Terrace Council member, regional and national chair, Class agent for two decades; regional club volunteer; and ReUnion volunteer. Under his leadership, the Terrace Council grew to 670 members accounting for 50 percent of the Annual Fund.
Mark L. Walsh '76, described as a student who took Union for all it had, and, after finding his way in the world, saw to it that he gave it all back and then some, received an Alumni Council Gold Medal. When Union needed a co-chair for the You are Union campaign, Walsh, a dedicated trustee with a long record as a model donor, stepped forward. Today, thanks in no small part to Walsh's contagious enthusiasm, we are well past the halfway mark of our $200 million goal.
The Alumni Council awards John J. Audino, Head Football Coach the Faculty Meritorious Service Award. The Faculty Meritorious Service Award is awarded annually to a faculty member or member of the Union College community who has rendered exceptional service to the College. Throughout Audino's 14 years at the helm of Union football, he has been a true educator, teaching his players that there is also much fulfillment outside of football. Through leadership by example, Audino and his coaching staff have instilled in hundreds of players a strong commitment to school, community and family.
The Eliphalet Nott Medal, created in 1995, recognizes the perseverance of alumni who have attained great distinction in their fields. This year Robert S. Dickman '66 received the Eliphalet Nott Medal for his distinguished career and exemplary service to our country. Dickman arrived at Union eager to fulfill what for most was only a dream, to work with astronauts and launch rockets. Today, 40 years after you graduated as an Air Force ROTC cadet, we can look back on your career and say, “Mission Accomplished.”