A summer stroll across campus is an ideal time to catch up on quiet thoughts. Save for the hum of a lawnmower or the occasional distant wail of a siren, Union seems a tranquil place that awaits the arrival of fall.
Open the door to nearly any building, however, and you find a buzz of activity as dozens of students participate in one of Union's most distinctive programs-undergraduate research.
Campus labs, libraries, classrooms and offices bustle with an array of thought-provoking, mind-stretching research and other scholarly pursuits.
While many projects are scientific in nature-consider “Laser Scattering from Beta Amyloid” or “Synthesis and Luminescence Properties of Platinum Complexes,” respective physics and chemistry efforts-students and their faculty sponsors also immerse themselves in a range of research across disciplines.
Herewith, a glimpse at some of this last summer's student research. Most students have continued their work throughout the academic year, work that began on an otherwise serene summer campus.