Through Feb. 4
Mandeville Gallery
Nott Memorial
Armed: “Contemporary Art and Violence”
Curated by Nadine Wasserman and Mandeville Gallery Director Rachel Seligman, this group show by contemporary artists features sculpture, collage, photography, painting and drawings that explore the human obsession with weapons. Artists include: Associated Artists For Propaganda Research, Robert Beck, Susan Graham, Gregory Green, Michael Millspaugh, Michael Oatman, Kristin Oppenheim, David Rees, Margaret Roleke, Simone Shubuck and Type A. There will be an artists' reception and panel discussion, Thursday, Jan. 25; 4:30-7:30 pm; panel discussion begins at 5:30 p.m.
Through Jan. 7
Wikoff Student Gallery
Nott Memorial
Time Capsule: 2006
Features selections from 60 students who took Visual Arts Professor Fernando Orellana's Intro to Digital Art class last year. When the exhibit ends, all of the work will be locked inside a time capsule and buried.