Posted on Feb 8, 2007

Diane Mehta '88

New York-based poet and critic Diane Mehta '88 comes to campus Monday, Feb. 12, 7:30 p.m. as part of the English Department's year-long program, “Writers Return: Alumni Writer Series.”

Her talk will be held in Arts 215, and a reception will follow at Wold House.

Mehta's work has been published in such noted journals as Salamander, The Formalist, The Columbia Review, Literary Review, Prairie Schooner, The Southern Review and The Antioch Review. Her book, How to Write Poetry, was published last year by Barnes & Noble.

She is a travel writer for the Fodor's series, for which she recently wrote about hang gliding on the sand dunes of North Carolina, and she freelances for New York magazine and other publications.

Mehta's talk is free and open to the public. Sponsors include the English Department, President's Office, Alumni Relations and Wold House.