Posted on Feb 15, 2007

As One mobile Reamer CC

Laura Meloney '06 and Jennifer Pangburn '06 returned to campus earlier this month to unveil a massive reworking of their hanging mobile, “As One,” in Reamer Campus Center. The mobile depicts a single portrait composed of facial features from 17 individual students. Eleven female students and six males were photographed for the project.

The reverse side of the mobile is a collage of names from the Class of 2006, with larger, bold letters that spell out the title of the piece.

As One mobile for Reamer

The artists, who began the piece last year with encouragement from Fernando Orellana, professor of Visual Arts, wanted to create a piece that would “stimulate our viewers to consider all people and welcome multiculturalism and diversity,” according to an artists' statement.

The exhibit, which originally opened last spring, had been composed of only students from the Class of 2006. The new piece includes photos of current students.

“In the original piece the features were taken from pictures of people we knew, which added a lot of sentimental value to it,” said Pangburn. “Now, all the artwork is new, but the concepts remain the same.”