The Café Ozone will be dishing up an all-organic selection of locally grown and health-conscious cuisine once again on Friday, March 2, noon-2 p.m. at Old Chapel. The student-run café hosts an Indian theme this week with a menu of organic tikka masala chicken, organic curried vegetables, basmati rice, cucumber mint salad and naan.
The weekly Friday café provides an alternative dining atmosphere, promoting sustainability and local agriculture. Student volunteers act as hosts, waiters and servers, teaming up with Dining Services, which prepares the food. The program has grown incrementally in popularity since its inception last year, now serving more than 200 members of the Union community each week.
“I think the increased popularity of Café Ozone shows a strong campus interest in being environmentally conscious about the way we eat,” says Liz Gustafson '07, a founding member of the café and weekly volunteer.
“Dining Services purchases and prepares the food and the students serve it and clean it up. We're really working together. It's a great process and it's successful,” says Dan Detora, director of Dining Services. “Since last spring, we've grown from 30-50 customers per week to more than 200.”
Café Ozone is open to faculty, students and staff. For students, one organic meal is worth one meal at Upper Class or West Dining. For more information, visit