Whether fans of Monty Python or connoisseurs of Italian cuisine, now they can get together. That's thanks to the Marketplace of Ideas, a virtual emporium that connects faculty, staff and students through talents, skills and expertise on a wide range of subjects.
“The marketplace is Union,” said Professor of Economics Eshi Motahar, who spearheaded the effort to create the interactive Web site. “Any member of the College community can exchange ideas and learn something that may not be a part of their everyday experience. The goal is to connect the campus through our interests and our spaces.”
Many Marketplace activities will take place in one of Union's seven Minerva Houses, tying in with the spirit of the Minervas as campus gathering places.
“The site is easy to use and has a lot of potential for students who share a common interest, who are looking to start a band, book group or TV or movie night and might not know where to go,” says Ross Marvin '07, an early customer. “Now there is a new space, a campus-wide message board that connects people. It beats posting fliers.”