Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, presents “What are Feminist Technologies?” at Pizza & Politics, Wedne
Guest lecturer Linda L. Layne will reveal "What are Feminist Technologies?" Wednesday, May 16, at 12:50 p.m. in Social Sciences room 104.
Layne is the Hale Professor of Humanities and Social Sciences and professor of anthropology in the Department of Science and Technology Studies at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Her areas of study include new reproductive technologies, personal and collective identity, feminist methods, feminist technology and the advancement of women in academe.
The lecture is the subject of a new volume on feminist technology which Layne is compiling with authors Sharra Vostral and Kate Boyer. Layne's lecture will address technologies that are considered “liberating” for women including tampons, breast pumps, a birth control pill that suppresses menstruation and Layne’s own work on home pregnancy tests.
The author of numerous journal articles, Layne has also authored Motherhood Lost: A Feminist Perspective on Pregnancy Loss (Routledge 2003); and the chapter “Childbearing Loss” in the new edition of Our Bodies, Ourselves (2005). She also served as an editor of Consuming Motherhood (Rutgers University Press, 2004) which was the winner of the Council on Anthropology of Reproduction's New Volume Book Prize, and of Transformative Motherhood: On Giving and Getting in a Consumer Culture (New York University Press, 1999) which was the winner of the Council on Anthropology of Reproduction's Enduring Influence Book Prize.
Pizza & Politics is sponsored by Pi Sigma Alpha, the Political Science Department and the Women's and Gender Studies Program, and is funded through an Intellectual Enrichment Grant.