Posted on May 16, 2007

Nott Mandeville 6

The Mandeville Gallery at the Nott Memorial will be one of the stops during Art Night Schenectady, a monthly celebration that premieres Friday, May 18, 5-9 p.m.

“Our aim is to introduce a wider audience to the unique vitality of arts, restaurants and businesses Schenectady has to offer,” says Mitch Messmore, director of the Capital Region Initiative Supporting the Arts (CRISTA), which organized the event. “Arts Night promotes interest in the arts by making it accessible, which helps to strengthen the arts and business communities in Schenectady.”

Art Night Schenectady

On the third Friday of each month, downtown shops, cafes, restaurants, galleries and vacant spaces will be open to showcase the work of local artists in a variety of media, including painting, sculpture, fiber art and printmaking. There will also be musicians, dancers and performance artists.

More than 12 simultaneous art shows are planned for the event’s debut, with live music at various venues. Downtown merchants and restaurants will offer one-night-only discounts and specials.

The Union College Trolley will ferry visitors from venue to venue.

Samantha Seide, fruit series, Art Night Schenectady

Among the arts on view are two group shows, including “1 x Fourteen,” the senior exhibition at the Mandeville, and a show by the Oakroom Artists, a membership-by-invitation association that celebrated its 50th anniversary last year.

Other arts, demonstrations, performance and music are planned at the Suits-Bueche Planetarium, Proctor’s, Jay Street Studio, 440 Arts Center, the Parker Inn, Cottage Sweet Cottage, The Katbird Shop, the Open Door Bookstore, the Moon & River Café and the Stockade Inn.

Maps and information are available at