“The Birds,” the Greek classic by Aristophanes, swoops into Yulman Theatre Tuesday, May 29, and continues through Sunday, June 3. Directed by William A. Finlay, associate professor of theater and director of the Yulman, the production takes a contemporary approach to the comic masterpiece and features extraordinary costuming.
“With 22 actors and more than 75 costumes, this will be one of the most visual productions we’ve ever staged,” said Finlay. “Our costumer, Lloyd Waiwaiole, has brought our costuming to a whole new level.”
Performances are at 8 p.m. daily, except for the Sunday matinee at 2.
Kurt Raaflaub, professor of History and the John Rowe Workmen Distinguished Professor of Classics at Brown University, will lead a discussion on “Politics in Aristophanes’ Birds” after the June 2 performance.
Show tickets are $10 for general admission and $7 for area seniors and the Union community. Call the Yulman box office at ext. 6545 for reservations.