Posted on Aug 6, 2007


Members of the Honorary Inaugural Committee gathered to welcome President Stephen C. Ainlay and his wife, Judith Gardner Ainlay, at a private reception in Abbe Hall last fall. The College acknowledges with gratitude the support of the Honorary Inaugural Committee.

Robert '49 and Virginia Abbe

Gerald '54 and Bernadette Barandes

David '78 and Roxanne Breazzano

Stephen '70 and Diane Ciesinski

Lee L. Davenport '37

Patrick '88 and Jennifer '91 Pacchiana DiCerbo

André '65 and Molly Donikian

Nancy Eppler-Wolff '75 and

John Wolff

Armand V. Feigenbaum '42

Donald S. Feigenbaum '46

Lawrence J. Hollander, Doris Moss, Lee L. Davenport ’37, Stephen Ciesinski ’70 and
Mary Ann MacLean

David '75 and Joan Casale Henle

Joseph M. '47 and Barbara Hinchey

Lawrence J. Hollander

John '76 and Helen-Jo Kelly

Douglas '83 and Susan MacFaddin

Mary Ann and Barry MacLean

Frank '73 and Colleen Messa

Jason '87 and Alice Oshins

Lawrence Pedowitz '69 and Kathleen Pool-Pedowitz

Michael Rapaport '59 and

Jo-Ann Friedman

Norton '58 and Rita Reamer

Stephen '68 and Karen Ritterbush

Walter and Anne Robb

Richard '50 and Barbara Roberts

Martin '83 and Kim Sands

Albert H. Stevenson '36

David '76 and Susan Viniar

Mark Walsh '76 and Polly Vail