Posted on Aug 15, 2007


Ainlay – Inauguration

The campus community ushers in the 2007-08 academic year with the opening convocation Tuesday, Sept. 4 at 4:30 p.m. in Memorial Chapel.

College Marshal William A. Finlay, associate professor and director of the Yulman Theater, will lead an academic procession from Everest Lounge to Memorial Chapel. Members of the Schenectady Pipe Band will also perform.

President Stephen C. Ainlay will discuss the upcoming year and recognize the 2006-07 Dean’s List students, including the presentation of a plaque bearing their names that will be displayed at the Reamer Campus Center.

The Stillman Prize for excellence in teaching and the Hollander Musician Prize, established by Lawrence J. Hollander, dean of engineering emeritus at Union, will also be awarded.

Following the ceremony, there will be a reception for the campus community in Hale House dining room and Old Chapel.

Classes begin Wednesday, Sept. 5.