Victor Gaviria, an award-winning, internationally known film producer and director, comes to campus for a screening of his 2004 film, “Sumas y Restas (Medellín: Additions and Subtractions),” Tuesday, April 8, 2008 at 6 p.m. in Reamer Center Auditorium.
Gaviria, who has been called "a poet of light, movement and sound," is noted for his powerful portrayals of daily existence in the poor neighborhoods and streets of Medellín, Colombia, and of his exploration of the ways in which drug cultures have filtered into the social, political and economic fabric of modern, postindustrial Colombian cities.
“He is admired for his insistent use of non-professional or natural actors and natural settings,” said Daniel Mosquera, associate professor of Spanish and Latin American Studies.
“Sumas y Restas” tells the story of an engineer who gets involved in drug trafficking in Medellín in the 1980s. Gaviria’s other feature films include “Rodrigo D., No Future” (1990) and “La Vendedora de Rosas, (The Rose Seller,” 1998, official selection at the Cannes Film Festival).
Tuesday’s screening will be followed by a question-and-answer session and a reception at Beuth House.