Well here we are at the end of another academic year. Commencement is upon us and we wish those graduating all the best as they begin their next chapter.
This will be the last newsletter for the year – we will begin again in the fall. Please be sure to let us know of any email address changes so we can make certain you will continue to receive the newsletters.
Commencement Information – Sunday, June 15, 2008
A complete set of plans for commencement, including plans in the event of rain, instructions for the line of march, information about seating and line of march position for the graduates, maps to assembly locations for graduates, as well as, information on indoor broadcasts of the ceremony and the location of on campus parking lots is available by clicking here.
9:00 a.m.
Graduates and faculty assemble for the academic procession
9:30 a.m.
The academic procession begins
10:00 a.m.
Commencement exercises will be held in Library Plaza. Immediately after the Ceremony, representatives of the College's academic departments will host receptions where the diplomas will be distributed to the graduates.
News from Campus…
Becker Career Center
Congratulations to all your 2008 Graduates!! The Becker Career Center wishes them the very best.
For all students returning to Union in fall, you might want to remind them that fall is a very important recruiting season for many employers as they seek full-time and internship candidates. To be prepared to compete effectively, students should address the following four areas:
There are two groups of people who see resumes all the time, one is employers, and the other is career center staff. Whom would you rather see your resume first? I would suggest that a member of the Becker Career Center staff review any resume that will be submitted to an employer.
Cover Letter
For many opportunities, a cover letter is necessary. Students should know how to craft an effective cover letter. And again, I would suggest that a member of the Becker Career Center staff review any cover letter that will be submitted to an employer, especially the first few.
Networking and Informational interviewing
Networking and informational interviewing skills are essential for discovering your passion and competing effectively during the 2008-2009 recruiting season, and summer is an excellent time to do some networking and informational interviewing. As students engage in networking and informational interviewing they will begin to see that they can network anywhere, anytime. Students can learn how to get started with networking and informational interviewing simply by contacting the Becker Career Center.
As with other experiences, the more time your student takes to prepare and practice their interviewing skills the more likely they are to perform better. As telephone interviews are frequently used, perhaps your student would benefit from conducting a mock telephone interview. If your student is interested, just have them contact us.
For students who are not sure what they want to do, summer is a great time to explore different professions by talking to people who do them. As students learn about different professions, career interests will become clearer. By knowing themselves and different professions, students will be better able to make decisions that will lead to success – however they define it.
We can help your student with all of the above. All the student has to do is want it. And remember, the Becker Career Center is open throughout the summer so if we can help your son or daughter with any career-related issues, encourage them to call (518) 388-6176 or email us at leibl@union.edu to schedule a phone or in-person appointment.
From all of us at the Becker Career Center, have a wonderful and safe summer.
Health Services
Just a reminder to parents…There is no charge to be seen at Health Services for the office visit. However, students will be charged for medical supplies and medications they may need. These items may be paid by check, cash, or billing their student tuition bill. For written prescription medications, Lange’s Pharmacy offers free delivery to Health Services daily. For their convenience, students may pick up prescriptions at Health Services.
We strongly encourage you to call or fax Lange’s Pharmacy your prescription insurance plan information for direct billing to your insurance. Lange’s Pharmacy phone number is (518) 374-3324. Make an enlarged copy of the front and back of your insurance cards. Print your son/daughter’s name and “Union College Student” on the copy. Then fax information to Lange’s Pharmacy at fax number (518) 374-3325. When picking up medicine at Health Services, your son/daughter will only be responsible for the co-pay, simplifying your billing.
Blood work and other laboratory tests obtained at Health Services will be sent to
Ellis Hospital’s Lab for processing. The hospital will bill directly to the student’s home
Parents: Please review your insurance policy with your son/daughter and have them keep these cards on them at all times. This will help reduce any confusion regarding billing.
We encourage you send your son/daughter to college with BOTH your medical insurance card and your prescription plan card.
From The Parents Fund
For the past four years, the parents, family and friends of the class of 2008 have given almost $1,900,000. The College appreciates and values all of the support it receives from parents, through volunteering efforts, supporting your child’s academic growth and activities, attending College events and entrusting their child’s education to Union.
I hope that you will continue to participate at whatever level you can. Your gifts are a critical part of every day life at Union College. Your support sends the message that you believe in the value of a Union education.
Congratulations to the class of 2008 and their families on this milestone event.
Best Regards, Vivian Falco (Peter ’09) Chairperson, The Parent Fund
Finally, have a wonderful summer, best wishes to seniors as they move forward and we wish the best also to all students coming back to Union in the fall!
Karen Dumonet (Vanessa ’07, Sebastian ’09)
Parents Association Chairperson