There are enough people sporting green T-shirts on the Union College campus today that it seems like spring again (well, almost). The sage-colored shirts, though, are actually part of Visibility Day.
The garments feature the coexist emblem, which spells coexist using symbols from various faiths, and a personal statement from the wearer.
“The goal is to show all the religious and spiritual diversity around campus,” said Ariel Sincoff-Yedid ’09, chair of Union’s Multi-Faith Council. “We spray-painted the coexist symbol on the back of the T-shirts to give them a unifying symbol.”
“And then, on the front, we asked everyone to write their own religious or spiritual identification,” she continued. “I saw one that said, ‘I’m an Islamic Christian,’ because the woman wearing it had been raised in both traditions.”
Altogether, Sincoff-Yedid estimated that 120 students, faculty members and administrators are wearing T-shirts today.
Visibility Day will conclude with a discussion at Breazzano House this evening. Participants will talk about what it means to be an individual within a religious or spiritual community, and a community at large.