Posted on Nov 3, 2008

Thursday, Nov. 6, 6-8 p.m. / College Park Hall / Monopoly tournament, co-hosted by Delta Kappa Epsilon and Sigma Phi Fraternities in conjunction with and to benefit Family & Child Service of Schenectady. Players compete for chances to win Amtrak tickets, cash and movie and restaurant gift certificates; cost: $10 per person

The Importance of Being Earnest, fall 2008, Yulman Theater

Thursday, Nov. 6 – Saturday, Nov. 8, 8 p.m. / Yulman Theater / “The Importance of Being Earnest,” fall theater production, directed by Lloyd Waiwaiole; tickets $7 for with Union ID, $10 general admission; call 388-6545.

Friday, Nov. 7, 7 p.m. / Messa Rink at Achilles Center / Men’s hockey vs. Dartmouth (ECAC contest)

Friday, Nov. 7 – Monday, Nov. 10, 8 and 10 p.m. / Reamer Campus Center Auditorium / Film: “Tropic Thunder”

Saturday, Nov. 8, noon / Frank Bailey Field / Football vs. Merchant Marine (Liberty League contest)

Saturday, Nov. 8, 7:30 p.m. / Messa Rink at Achilles Center / Men’s hockey vs. Harvard (ECAC contest)

Sunday, Nov. 9, 2 p.m. / Yulman Theater, “The Importance of Being Earnest,” fall theater production, directed by Lloyd Waiwaiole; tickets $7 tickets with Union ID, $10 general admission; call 388-6545

Monday, Nov. 10, 12:55 p.m. / Reamer Campus Center Room 302 / Women and Gender Studies presents Trita Parsi, director, National Iranian American Council, on “U.S. Elections, the United States, Israel and Iran”

union college gate

Monday Nov. 10, 3:05-4:45 p.m. / F.W.Olin Center, Room 115 / Election 2008 course lecture by Mathematics Professor William  Zwicker on “Bushwhacked by U.S. Presidential Elections: Why the U.S. Voting System Might Be to Blame”

Monday, Nov. 10, 8 p.m. / Nott Memorial / David Kaczynski, executive director of New Yorkers Against the Death Penalty, and brother of Theordore "Ted" Kaczynski, the Unabomber, speaks on capital punishment; presented by the Union College Scholars program

Tuesday, Nov. 11, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. / Campus wide / Veterans Day Admissions Open House

Tuesday, Nov. 11, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. / The Nott Memorial / Sophomore Research Seminar poster sessions featuring students from the following three history classes: “Opium East and West,” “A People’s Contest: Gender and Race in the American Civil War” and “African-American Protest Movements,” and the philosophy class, “Technology, Mind and Media”

Tuesday, Nov. 11, 5:30-7:30p.m. / Wold House / Death in Film Series presents: “The Last Lecture” by Randy Pausch, Carnegie Mellon professor who recently died at age 47 from pancreatic cancer and who became known around the world from his videotaped last lecture and book based on his advice about living a full life

Tuesday, Nov. 11, 8 p.m. / Memorial Chapel / Chamber Concert Series presents Orion Weiss, piano

Wednesday, Nov. 12, 3:05-4:45 p.m. / F.W. Olin Center, Room 115 / Election 2008 course lecture by Clifford Brown, professor of political science, on “Campaign Strategy: Why the Winner Won and Why the Loser Lost”

Wednesday, Nov. 12, 7 p.m. / Nott Memorial / Noted civil rights attorney and author Lani Guinier, the Bennett Boskey Professor of Law at Harvard Law School and author of the memoir, “Lift Every Voice: Turning a Civil Rights Setback into a New Vision of Social Justice.” to speak as part of the Presidential Forum on Diversity series; free and open to the public

Wednesday, Nov. 12, 7 p.m.  and 9 p.m. / Reamer Campus Center Auditorium / Latin American and Caribbean Studies Film Series presents a double feature:  “Canoa,” directed by Filipe Cazals, a true story of a group of students who accidentally fall victim to a town controlled by a paranoid and fanatical priest; and “Nazarín,”  directed by Luis Bunuel, the story of a simple priest trying to live by Christian precepts, with horrifying consequences

Amanda Monaco, Taylor Music center

Wednesday, Nov. 12, 8 p.m. / Taylor Music Center, Emerson Auditorium / Performance by jazz guitarist and composer Amanda Monaco and her group, Amanda Monaco 4, and by the Union College Jazz Ensemble under the direction of Prof. Tim Olsen. Monaco is a resident musician at Congregation B'nai Jeshurun in New York City. Admission free

Thursday, Nov. 13, 8:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. / Old Chapel, Hale House, Everest Lounge / Union College Benefits Fair for all faculty and staff. Opportunity to enroll in or change health insurance plans, enroll in Flex Dollar Rebate Program, review other spending plans, meet with service providers and more 

Thursday, Nov. 13, 8 p.m. / Reamer Campus Center Auditorium / Classic Film Series presents: "Citizen Kane" 

Friday, Nov. 14, 4 p.m. / Taylor Music Center / Gail George Balinese Mask Installation, with wine and cheese reception. Professor Emeritus of Biology Carl George has gifted the collection of masks by his late wife, Gail, to the College.

Friday, Nov. 14, 7 p.m. / Messa Rink at Achilles Center / Men’s hockey vs. Quinnipiac (ECAC contest)

Friday, Nov. 14 – Monday, Nov. 17, 8 and 10 p.m. / Reamer Campus Center Auditorium / Film: “Dark Knight “

Saturday, Nov. 15, 3 p.m. / Reamer Campus Center Auditorium / Classic Film Series presents: "Citizen Kane" 

Saturday, Nov. 15, 4 p.m. / Messa Rink at Achilles Center / Men’s hockey vs. Princeton (ECAC contest)

Saturday, Nov. 15, 2 p.m. / Messa Rink at Achilles Center / Women’s hockey vs. RPI (ECAC contest)

Monday, Nov. 17, 3:05-4:45 p.m. / F.W. Olin Center, Room 115 / Election 2008 course lecture by Joshua Hart, visiting assistant professor of psychology, on “Retrospective, Review and Conclusion”