An article by Professor of Engineering Ashraf Ghaly, “Pervious Rubberized Concrete Wins Multiple Environmental Missions,” was published in the September 2008 edition of Concrete Today. The article espouses the benefits of the eco-friendly mixture of aggregate, sand, cement and rubber. It also references Ghaly’s research with Andrew Heiser ’09 and their work over the summer with members of campus Facilities to pave a test walkway near Memorial Fieldhouse. Ghaly is also the author of “Vote for America’s Infrastructure” in Concrete Today’s October 2008 issue. In it, he looks at the American Society of Civil Engineers’ report card on the state of the country’s infrastructure.
An article by Jennifer Matsue, “The Local Performance of Global Sound: More than the Musical in Japanese Hardcore Rock,” has been published in “Performing Japan: Contemporary Expressions of Cultural Identity” (Global Oriental Press). Matsue is professor of music, anthropology and East Asian studies.
Three Union professors have been teaching at Skidmore this term courtesy of a Mellon Faculty Development grant. They are Chris Duncan, professor of visual arts; Brad Lewis, professor of economics; and Mark Walker, the John Bigelow Professor of History.
Stephen Berk, the Henry and Sally Schaffer Professor of Holocaust and Jewish Studies, recently spoke on “Blacks, Jews and Obama” at Temple Israel in Albany. He discussed the same subject with a full audience at the Nott Memorial over Homecoming and Family Weekend. Berk also lectured on the origin of violent religious hatred at Congregation Agudat Achim in connection with a new film series at the Schenectady synagogue.
Karen R. Ferrer-Muñiz, director of Multicultural Affairs, took part in a conversation about diversity in schools with WNYT Ch. 13 education reporter Elaine Houston this week as part of an election report on the role of race and ethnicity in this year’s presidential race.
Lloyd Waiwaiole, costumer in the Department of Theater and Dance, is director and costumer for the Schenectady Civic Players’ production of “A Christmas Carol.” It will be performed Dec. 5–6 and 10–13 at 8 p.m. and Dec. 7 and 14 at 2:30 p.m. at 12 South Church Street, Schenectady.