Posted on Feb 3, 2009

Thomas Jewell, the Carl B. Jansen Professor of Engineering, has published two papers in refereed conference proceedings. “In Pursuit of Undergraduate Engineering Exchanges” was published in the Proceedings of the 2008 American Society for Engineering Education National Conference. He also presented the paper at the conference, held in Pittsburgh last summer. The paper discusses how exchange programs with international universities are a cost-effective way of increasing the number of international experience options available to our students. They are also valuable because they allow our students to gain engineering experience overseas and bring international students to the Union Campus.

Jewell’s "Globalization of the Union College Engineering Programs,” co-authored with John Spinelli, chair of Electrical & Computer Engineering, was published in the Proceedings of the 2008 Frontiers In Education Conference in Saratoga Springs in the fall. Spinelli presented the paper while Jewell was leading the term abroad in Vietnam. The paper describes the emphasis the engineering programs have put on international experience and how the efforts have resulted in 70 to 88 percent of our graduates in recent years having an academic experience in a foreign country while enrolled in a Union engineering program.

Gail Golderman, Schaffer Library digital services librarian, and Bruce Connolly, head of public services, contributed the sections on electronic resources in “History,” “Current Events” and “Popular Culture” to the Reference 2009 supplement to Library Journal.