Posted on Apr 14, 2009

The College will welcome 500 students and faculty on Saturday, April 18 when it hosts the 16th annual Hudson River Undergraduate Mathematics Conference, a professional mathematics conference designed primarily for undergraduates.

HMURC is considered the largest undergraduate mathematics conference in the U.S., and serves as a model for regional conferences nationwide, according the Prof. Brenda Johnson, a member of the conference steering committee.

This year’s conference features over 160 talks given by representatives of 29 institutions.

Students have played a significant role in planning the conference, Johnson said. Sarah Britton ’09 and Ben Miles ’10 head a team of 24 students coordinating the details.

Union College presenters are Britton, Kate Colantuono '09, Patricia Linden '09', Andrew Mackenzie '09, John Robens '09, Micheal Topka '09, and professors Jue Wang and William Zwicker.

Registration starts at 8:30 a.m. in the Nott Memorial, with talks in three sessions starting at 10 a.m., 1:45 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. Sessions will be in Humanities, Social Sciences and Olin.

The plenary address, at 11:05 a.m. in Memorial Chapel, will be “When Topology Meets Chemistry” by Prof. Erica Flapan of Pomona College. President Stephen C. Ainlay will give welcoming remarks. Britton and Miles will introduce the speaker.

Support comes from the National Science Foundation, Mathematics Association of America, the President’s Office and the Dean of Studies Office.

For more information, visit