Posted on Jun 8, 2009


Valedictorian Daniel C. Bailey

Name: Daniel C. Bailey

Hometown: Mount Vision, N.Y.

Major: Bachelor of Science in chemistry, minor in biology

Activities: Among his many achievements, the intramural soccer and softball player presented research at the American Chemical Society meeting in Utah this March and interned for two summers with Albany Molecular Research Inc. A member of Phi Beta Kappa and associate member of the scientific research honor society Sigma Xi, Bailey also coordinated Chemistry Club outreach with area school children. His junior year, the Sigma Phi brother and Chemistry Help Center tutor studied abroad in Australia and New Zealand.

Plans after graduation: Bailey will begin work as a chemical development scientist at Roche Carolina Inc., a division of Roche Pharmaceuticals. He also hopes to pursue either a medical degree or a graduate degree in chemistry.


Salutatorian Steven M. Herron


Name: Steven M. Herron

Hometown: Ridgefield, Conn.

Major: Bachelor of Science in chemistry, minors in math and physics

Activities: During his tenure at the College, Herron has passionately studied not only the sciences, but music and Spanish as well. An indoor/outdoor track pole vault athlete, he also played ultimate Frisbee and spent a term abroad in Seville, Spain. Herron’s been active in Chemistry Club as well, and is a member of Sigma Pi Sigma, Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma Xi.

Plans after graduation: Herron will serve with Passionist Volunteers building homes in West Virginia for the summer, after which he will begin pursuing his Ph.D. in chemistry at Stanford University. While there, he will research clean sources of alternative energy, principally solar.


Student Speaker

Student speaker Sean Mulkerne

Name: Sean D. Mulkerne

Hometown: Whitesboro, N.Y.

Major: Bachelor of Arts in political science, minor in history

Activities: The Union Scholar and Sigma Phi Society brother graduates with a 3.93 GPA and Dean’s List recognition. A member of Phi Beta Kappa, Pi Sigma Alpha, and Phi Alpha Theta, Mulkerne spent a term abroad in York, United Kingdom and interned for Human Rights First in Washington, D.C. In 2007, he attended the Student Conference of US Affairs at West Point. At Union, he has served as Minerva Council Student Representative for Sorum House, a Writing Center tutor, and an Orientation Advisor.

Plans after graduation: Mulkerne will attend the London School of Economics and Political Science where he’ll pursue a Masters of Science in global politics.

Read Mulkerne’s speech here.