Posted on Aug 4, 2009

Katie Sofia '10 talks about her summer research on solar energy systems.

With more than 120 students conducting research at Union this summer, the first of two poster sessions in Olin Rotunda on Tuesday was energetic and rich in diverse information.

Peter Bonventre ’11 discussed his work with porous silica gels and Katie Sofia ‘10 explained her project on solar energy, while across the room Daniel Barringer ’11 talked about his physics research with electrical engineering student Isaac Rogers ‘10.

For many of the presenters, this was their second or third summer doing some kind of research.

“It's real experience,” Barringer said. “We’re not in a class. We’re in labs where things will go wrong and we’ll have to figure out why, which is what it’ll be like when we actually go out into our chosen fields.”

Student presentations will continue Thursday, Aug. 6. To learn more about this year’s summer researchers, click here.

Daniel Barringer '11 discusses his summer physics research with Isaac Rogers '10 in Olin Rotunda.

Michael Topka '09 and Assistant Professor of mechanical engineering Becky Cortez discuss his summer research.

Peter Bonventre '11 discusses his summer research with Rachel Gray '10 and Valerie Angell '10 in Olin Rotunda.