Two students have received Union College funding for community service internships awards at non-profits this summer.
Meghan Hartnett ’11, a political science major, will work at School on Wheels in Los Angeles, where she will tutor homeless middle and high school children. She will also reach out to disconnected young people through homeless shelters, motels and food banks.
“With the odds piled high against them, I want to remind them of the importance of their education, helping them to see that the possibilities are endless,” said Hartnett. "I want them to learn to define themselves, rather than let their circumstances define them. Education is an invaluable asset to one’s hope and chance for a successful and stable life.”
This endowed internship is supported by the Class of 1973 in honor of its 35th Class Reunion.
Shalini Singaravelu’12, a biology and anthropology major in the Leadership in Medicine Program, will be a resident care intern at the Joan Nicole Prince Home in Scotia, N.Y.
Working with volunteers and hospice nurses, she will provide direct patient care for the home’s two terminally ill patients and also offer ongoing emotional support to patients and families.
“I hope that with my positive outlook on life and fun-loving personality, I can aid in alleviating some of their stress and anxiety,” Singaravelu said. She also hopes to strengthen the connection between the Joan Nicole Prince Home and other Union students interested in providing community service in the Capital Region.
Her award comes courtesy of the Roger H. Hull Summer Community Service Internship, an endowed fund supported by the Board of Trustees.