Metroland, the Capital Region's alternative newsweekly, named the Mandeville Gallery as the top college gallery in the area in their annual "Best Of" issue.
The text is below:
Best College Gallery
Mandeville Gallery at the Nott Memorial
Union College, 807 Union St., Schenectady
The Mandeville gallery is located on the second floor of the Nott Memorial, a spectacular 16-sided and domed Victorian building that is a national historic landmark. The gallery is a circular space that displays changing exhibitions of contemporary art, as well as exhibitions that address history and that demonstrate links between the arts and sciences. Like all good college and university galleries, it uses the many resources available on campus to highlight various disciplines and timely ideas. The exhibitions are creatively designed to make the best use of the unusual space in order to enhance the pieces on display.
Topic: The recent effects of tourism on Barbadian culture
Advisor: George Gmelch
Chelsea Tussing ‘11
Topic: The aftermath of ethnography: How the Barbadian Culture has Changed Since the Writing of "Parish Behind God's Back"
Advisor: Sharon Gmelch
Art History
Kira Simon ‘11
Topic: Museum Education and Exhibition Studies
Advisor: Lorraine Morales Cox
Tauseef Ahmed ‘13
Topic: Development of a robust PCR-based DNA test for Canine Epilepsy
Advisor: J. Stephen Horton
Christina Brown ‘11
Topic: Cell proliferation patterns during cyclic blastogenesis in Botryllus schlosseri: an immunhistochemical study
Advisor: Robert Lauzon
Isaiah Buchanan ‘11
Topic: Behavioral and ecological interactions between the lizard species Anolis carolinensis and Anolis sagrei
Advisor: Leo Fleishman
Michael Danise ‘11
Topic: The tradeoff between polyuronic acid content and photosynthesis rates in Sphagnum
Advisor: Steven Rice
Robert Davis ‘12
Topic: The relationship between tick body burdens and intestinal parasites in gray squirrels and chipmunks
Advisor: Kathleen LoGiudice
Johanna Geoghegan ‘11
Topic: Molecular investigation of human follicle stimulating hormone receptor through mutagenesis of the caveolin binding motiff
Advisor: Brian Cohen
Matthew Goodwin ‘12
Topic: Searching for a correspondence between differences in MC1R sequence and color morph in P. cinereus
Advisor: Barbara Pytel
Matthew Hanley ‘11
Topic: Investigating the function of a metacaspase in the development of the mushroom Schizophyllum commune by means of an improved “Knockout-Ready” strain
Advisor: Stephen J Horton
Shabana Hoosein ‘11
Topic: Limitations to seeding establishment in clear clayplain forests
Advisor: Jeff Corbin
Yaw Kwarteng '11 summer research 2010
Yaw Kwarteng ‘11
Topic: Analyzing posttranslational modifications to microtubules
Advisor: Barbara Danowski
Nancy Miorelli ‘11
Topic: Fecundity of prairie warblers (Dendroica discolor) in the Albany Pine Bush Advisor: Jennifer Bishop
Patrick O'Hern ‘11
Topic: Investigation of palmitoyl protein Thioesterase 1 RNAi knock-down during Drosophila embryonic neurogenesis
Advisor: Patrick O'Hern
Suzanne Ostrow ‘11
Topic: Studying the relationship between tick infection prevalence and gut parasite helminth egg densities in grey squirrels and chipmunks
Advisor: Kathleen LoGiudice
Alyssa Simeone ‘11
Topic: Characterizing an embryonic intestinal primary cell culture from Leucoraja erinacea
Advisor: Nicole Theodosiou
Rachael Singleton ‘11
Topic: Color identification ability in different light conditions in two species of lizards of the genus Anolis
Advisor: Leo Fleishman
Sarah Bercovici ‘11
Topic: Studying the effects of photochemical degradation on two UV filter chemicals
Advisor: Laura A. MacManus-Spencer
Nicholas Dunn ‘11
Topic: Increasing aerogel production efficiency for use in catalytic applications by utilizing the rapid supercritical extraction technique
Advisor: Mary Carroll
Suzanne Estok ‘11
Topic: Full synthesis and characterization of TEOS aerogels
Advisor: Mary Carroll
Hyeon Hwangbo ‘11
Topic: Synthesis of photochromic supramolecular polymers
Advisor: Laurie Tyler
Rayana Johnson ‘11
Topic: Development of laboratory modules for a general education course in culinary chemistry: the chemistry of flavor
Advisor: Joanne Kehlbeck
Alison Kracunas ‘11
Topic: Photochemical degradation of octyl methoxycinnamate
Advisor: Laura A. MacManus-Spencer
Danielle Krieg ‘12
Topic: Development of laboratory modules for a general education course in culinary chemistry: chemistry of chocolate and sugar
Advisor: Joanne Kehlbeck
Darrin Liau ‘11
Topic: Morphosynthetic control of anodized aluminum oxide
Advisor: Mike E. Hagerman
Katherine Morris ‘11
Topic: The synthesis and evaluation of novel molecular transporters
Advisor: Joanne Kehlbeck
Anna Mueller '11 summer research 2010
Anna Mueller ‘11
Topic: Luminescent probes of hydrophobic aerogels
Advisor: Mary Carroll
Megan O'Connor ‘12
Topic: The fate and occurrence of ultraviolet filter chemicals in surface waters
Advisor: Laura A. MacManus-Spencer
Bowman Potter ‘11
Topic: Five membered rings made easy: organo-catalysis and iodocarbocyclization
Advisor: James Adrian
Michelle Richter ‘11
Topic: Cloning of a putative metacaspase gene from schizophyllum commune
Advisor: Kristin Fox
Misty Shah ‘12
Topic: Development of laboratory modules for a general education course in culinary chemistry: breads and browning
Advisor: Joanne Kehlbeck
Clancy Slack ‘11
Topic: Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy monitored enzyme kinetics
Advisor: Joanne Kehlbeck
Kelly Zebrowski ‘11
Topic: Synthesis and activity of platinum anti-cancer drug derivatives
Advisor: Laurie Tyler
Zeliang Zheng ‘11
Topic: Purification and analysis of a metacaspase from S. commune
Advisor: Kristin Fox
Computer Science
Davis Barber ‘11
Topic: Effects of display size on embodied conversational agent interactions
Advisor: K. Striegnitz, A. Tartaro
Sara Block ‘12
Topic: Interactive technologies for video modeling
Advisor: Andrea Tartaro
Daniel Gnoutcheff ‘12
Topic: Simplifying NewtworkManager: a Google summer of code project
Advisor: Kristina Striegnitz
Rachel Hogue ‘11
Topic: Statistical analysis and comparison of texts in ancient greek
Advisor: Kristina Striegnitz and Valerie Barr
Davis Knox ‘11
Topic: Using a coevolutionary genetic algorithm to produce soft robot morphologies and gaits
Advisor: John Rieffel
Alex Levine ‘11
Topic: Research into social robotics
Advisor: John Rieffel
Michael Lucey ‘11
Topic: Can a mind-reading game controller detect non-verbal indications of confusion?
Advisors: Kristina Striegnitz and Andrea Tartaro
Petr Mach exchange
Topic: Integrating social robotics into the CSC104 curriculum
Advisor: John Rieffel
Daniel Mendelsohn ‘11
Topic: Pedagogical tool for the usability science
Advisor: Chris Fernandes and Aaron Cass
Ramsey Steiner ‘12
Topic: Visualization of cascading selective undo
Advisor: Aaron Cass, Chris Fernandes
Tim Stephens ‘13
Topic: Evolutionary fabrication
Advisor: John Rieffel
Kirk Winans ‘12
Topic: Language learning activities for the sugar learning environment
Advisor: Kristina Striegnitz
David Leavitt ‘12
Topic: Is the Monte Carlo simulation a useful retirement planning tool?
Advisor: Tomas Dvorak
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Anas Alghbari ‘12
Topic: Investigation of acoustic cues in medial-consonant voicing contrasts in the speech of American English kids
Advisor: Helen Hanson
Omar Hassib ‘11
Advisor: Shane Cotter
Saem Hur ‘13
Topic: Acoustic study of medial stop consonants in American children
Advisor: Helen Hanson
Aung Soe ‘11
Advisor: Shane Cotter
Shannon Brady ‘11
Topic: Early Holocene edifice failure and sector collapse of Volcán Barú, Panama
Advisor: Holli Frey
Kaitlin Clark ‘11
Topic: Provenance of Calstic sediments in cores form Collins Pond, Scotia, New York
Advisor: Donald Rodbell
Jonathan Griffith ‘11
Topic: Geomorphologic and paleoenvironmental change in Glacier National Park, Montana
Advisor: Donald Rodbell
Tyler Izykowski ‘11
Topic: Determining thermal history and age of zircons in Southeast Alaska strata
Advisor: John I. Garver
Elizabeth Morgan ‘11
Topic: Geochemical and thermodynamic modeling and analysis of Gore Mountain Garnets, Adirondacks, NY
Advisor: Kurt Hollocher
Sergio Azcona ‘12
Topic: Amid slavery and freedom
Advisor: Kenneth Aslakson
Gabrielle Contelmo ‘11
Topic: Gender perspectives: women as heroes and martyrs in Jesuit propaganda during the early modern period
Advisor: Mazin Tadros
Leland Garivaltis ‘11
Topic: The struggle of influential women in Latin American and Caribbean History
Advisor: Teresa Meade
Jessica Johnson ‘12
Topic: Unpacking the "Quadroon-Placage" myth
Advisor: Kenneth Aslakson
Scott Power ‘11
Topic: Schenectady’s New Deal: the effects of the WPA on Schenectady county
Advisor: Andrew Morris
Joseph Privitera ‘12
Topic: Union College and the Civil War
Advisor: Andrea Foroughi
History and American Studies
Sarah O'Connor ‘11
Topic: Cultural lag theory
Advisor: Andy Feffer
Mechanical Engineering
Kyle Abrahamson ‘11
Advisor: Andrew Rapoff
Max Balter ‘12
Topic: Explaining the mesial groove of maxillary canines in Cercopithecoid Monkeys
Advisor: Andrew Rapoff
Robin Barabasz ‘11
Topic: Effects of superhydrophobic aerogel surface coatings on drag reduction
Advisor: Ann Anderson
Maxwell Becton ‘11
Topic: Catalytic aerogel research
Advisor: Bradford A. Bruno
Walter Chin ‘12
Topic: Thermal strains in radio frequency microelectromechanical systems Microbridge Structure
Advisor: Rebecca Cortez
Steven Gacin '12 summer research 2010
Steven Gacin ‘12
Topic: Fabrication and characterization of hydrophobic aerogels
Advisor: Ann Anderson
Rotislav Haruda, exchange student
Advisor: Richard Wilk
Jiri Havran, exchange student
Advisor: Richard Wilk
Mitchell Lee ‘11
Topic: Real time monitoring and control of a photovoltaic-electrical system
Advisor: Richard Wilk
Marc Nash ‘11
Topic: Mechanical characterization of a healing fracture callus in a mouse model
Advisor: Jennifer Currey
Bernadette Peace ‘10
Topic: Atomic force microscopy of a polymer-based solar cell
Advisor: Becky Cortez
Kelly Pearson ‘11
Topic: Vertical axis wind turbine analysis and design
Advisor: Richard Wilk
Christopher Pillsbury ‘12
Topic: Design of a pressure burst tester for the quantifying of the healing of ionmer samples
Advisor: Stephen Kalista
Justin Rodriguez ‘11
Advisor: Ann Anderson and Brad Bruno
John Russell ‘11
Topic: Design and fabrication of a small-scale tensegrity robot
Advisor: William Keat
Elias Samia ‘11
Topic: Design of lighting and propulsion systems for the Ballston Lake submersible
Advisor: William Keat
Emmet O'Connell ‘11
Topic: Design and fabrication of a catalytic aerogel testbed
Advisor: Ann Anderson
Modern Languages and Literature
Keerti Murari ‘11
Topic: Deportation process and migrant labor
Advisor: Victoria Martinez
Jennifer Granina ‘11
Topic: Exploring the field of bioethics as it pertains to the creation of books : before bioethics and the Cambridge Dictionary of Bioethics
Advisor: Robert Baker
Philosophy and Bioethics
Chandni Vaid ‘11
Topic: Cambridge Dictionary of Bioethics
Advisor: Robert Baker
Physics & Astronomy
Pavel Aprelev
Advisor: Chad Orzel
Halley Darling ‘13
Topic: A survey of neutral hydrogen properties of the NGC 5846 group of galaxies
Advisor: Rebecca Koopman
Jay Dulmaa
Advisor: Samuel Amanuel
Karel Durkota exchange
Topic: Development of a JAVA program to image data for a table-top radio astronomy interferometer
Advisor: Jon Marr
Tim Kuehn ‘12
Topic: Neutron capture rates of R-process nucleosynthesis in a specific environment
Advisor: Rebecca A. Surman
Adam Margulies ‘13
Topic: Use of IDL to model R-process nucleosynthesis in supernovae
Advisor: Rebecca A. Surman
Ana Mikler ‘12
Topic: ALFALFA HI upper limits in NGC 5846 group galaxies
Advisor: Rebecca Koopman
Rob Moore ‘11
Topic: The analysis of environmental materials using proton induced gamma-ray emission spectroscopy
Advisor: Scott LaBrake
Katelyn O'Brien ‘11
Topic: Studying star formation properties in the galaxy NGC 5846 using H-alpha
Advisor: Rebecca Koopman
Erin Osgood ‘12
Topic: Studying the Aggregation of Insulin using a Differential Scanning Calorimeter
Advisor: Jay Newman
Hannah Ryan '12 summer research 2010
Hannah Ryan ‘12
Topic: Characterization of different pigments on the micro raman spectrometer
Advisor: Seyffie Maleki
Katie Schuff ‘11
Topic: Proton induced X-ray emission spectroscopy of red wine samples using the Union College pelletron accelerator
Advisor: Scott LaBrake
Anna Sise ‘12
Topic: High density percolation
Advisor: Gary Reich
Mark Sullivan ‘13
Topic: High density percolation
Advisor: Gary Reich
Colin Turley ‘13
Topic: Proton elastic scattering analysis of environmental materials
Advisor: Michael Vineyard
Michael Varughese ‘11
Topic: The effects of L-Arginine on the aggregation of Insulin
Advisor: Jay Newman
Pengfeng Zhang ‘13
Topic: Astronomy photograph
Advisor: Francis Wilkin
Maria Battaglia ‘12
Topic: Seasonal variation and trace elemental mapping of the composition and concentration of New York rainwater samples using the Union College pelletron particle accelerator & proton induced X-ray emission
Advisor: Scott LaBrake
SreyNoch Chin ‘12
Topic: A continuing study of stellar and neutral hydrogen properties of the NGC 5846 group of galaxies
Advisor: Rebecca Koopmann
Colin Gleason ‘11
Topic: Elemental analysis of atmospheric aerosols in urban areas
Advisor: Michael Vineyard
Charles Harrington ‘11
Topic: Ion beam analysis of atmospheric aerosols in the adirondacks
Advisor: Michael Vineyard
Amer Khraisat ‘13
Topic: Influences of molecular polarity on the phase transition of physically confined molecules
Advisor: Samuel Amanuel
Political Science
Andrew Churchill ‘11
Topic: Federalism issues in drug enforcement: marijuana, narcotics and the evolution of a national drug policy
(circa 1940s-1960s)
Advisor: Phil Nicholas
Danielle Ayers ‘12
Topic: Eating disorders and body image
Advisor: Josh Hart
Ciro Griffiths ‘12
Topic: Cybercycle study
Advisor: Cay Anderson-Hanley
Molly Head ‘11
Topic: Relationship between self-monitoring and perspective-taking abilities, & relationship between self-monitoring and early dating
Advisor: Linda Stanhope
Jaclyn Mandart ‘12
Topic: Analysis of collective intelligence
Advisor: Christopher Chabris
Caitlin Miner ‘11
Topic: Neural network modeling: simulating the brain in introduction to cognitive neuroscience
Advisor: Steve Romero
Amanda Snyder ‘11
Topic: Social facilitation and competitiveness: impact on exercise of older adults in the Cybercycle study
Advisor: Cay Anderson-Hanley
Vadim Yerokhin ‘11
Topic: Resting EEG: effects of exercise on alpha and beta waves
Advisor: Cay Anderson-Hanley
Kseniya Zhuzha ‘11
Topic: Effect of mortality salience on gambling
Advisor: Joshua Hart
Religious Studies
Andrea Meyers ‘11
Joseph Abate '12 and Annora Brennan '11 perform in “Hamlet” with the Saratoga Shakespeare Company.
Topic: U.S. foreign relations with Israel and perception on Palestine
Advisor: Peter Bedford
Theater & Dance
Joseph Abate ‘12
Topic: Performance with the Saratoga Shakespeare Company
Advisor: Patricia Culbert
Annora Brennan ‘11
Topic: Performance with the Saratoga Shakespeare Company
Each morning this summer, Hannah Ryan ’12 reports to a lab in the basement of the F.W. Olin Center. There, she huddles most of the day with her partner, a micro-raman spectroscope, an impressive instrument that allows Ryan to examine individual pigment grains in an artist’s paint mixture.
Hannah Ryan '12 summer research 2010
The three lasers in the microscope, capable of collecting spectra from samples as small as 100 micrometers, help Ryan compare these spectra with published works. The goal is to create a searchable library of pigment spectra that can help art conservators identify paint in works of art.
The pairing of a biology major employing principles of physics to examine art works is just one of the dozens of projects Union students are carrying out this summer.
“It’s a wonderful opportunity,” said Ryan, of Kensington, Md. “I enjoy working with (physics) professor Seyfollah Maleki, who has been extremely supportive. It’s a great way to spend the summer.”
Research is a tradition at Union, and students across all academic departments have opportunities for in-depth, hands-on research of the type usually reserved for graduate students.
“Having students and faculty working together closely in the summer creates a vibrant atmosphere on campus,” said Kristin Fox, director of Undergraduate Research. “Students get the chance to focus on one area of interest for several weeks, and to see how much they enjoy this kind of approach. They also have the opportunity to present the results of their work to their peers and other faculty at seminars on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Explaining their work to others prepares students to be successful in whatever they decide to do after graduation.”
Kristin Fox, director of Undergraduate Research
Across campus and beyond this summer, students are engaged in a diverse mix of nearly 120 projects. Of these, about half are funded internally with a faculty member, through the Union College Summer Research Fellowships, Summer Scholars Program and Future Professors Program. The other half is supported by individual grants to faculty members or departments, or foundation support.
Jonathan Griffin ’11 is working with geology professor Donald Rodbell to monitor the geomorphologic and paleoenvironmental change in Glacier National Park in Montana. Scott Power ’11 is researching the effects of the WPA on Schenectady County with Andrew Morris, assistant professor of history. Under the guidance of Peter Bedford, the John and Jane Wold Professor of Religious Studies, Andrea Meyers ’11 is examining U.S. foreign relations with Israel and the perception of Palestine.
In addition to the academic benefits, summer research has also given students a social perk.
Steven Gacin '12 summer research 2010
“I’m getting a chance to meet and work with professors and students I didn’t know before,” said Steven Gacin ’12, as he peered through a Kruss drop shape analyzer in the aerogels lab. A mechanical engineering major from Providence, R.I., Gacin is studying the fabrication and characterization of hydrophobic aerogels with his advisor, Ann Anderson, the Agnes S. McDonald Professor of Mechanical Engineering.
“It’s been a great experience,” Gacin said.
For a look at some of the projects students are working on this summer, click here.
To learn more about undergraduate research at Union, click here.
Steven Chin ’98, a doctor in the Neonatal Department at Massachusetts General Hospital, will be featured in the next episode of the ABC documentary series “Boston Med.”
Steven Chin '98
The eight-part series, produced by the network’s news division, follows the professional and personal lives of more than a dozen doctors, nurses and patients at Massachusetts General Hospital, Brigham and Women's Hospital, and Children's Hospital over a four month period.
Chin, who is also an instructor in pediatrics at the Harvard Medical School, will appear in episode six airing this Thursday, July 29.
At Union, Chin was enrolled in the seven-year Accelerated Medical Education Program.
He was on the tennis team, served as a resident assistant and was a member of the Dutch Pipers and the orchestra. He received his medical degree from Albany Medical College.
To read a bio from the show’s website, click here.
Assistant Psychology Professor Christopher Chabris recently contributed an op-ed to the Los Angeles Times.
Chabris and Daniel J. Simons, a psychology professor at the University of Illinois, recently released their new book, “The Invisible Gorilla, And Other Ways Our Intuitions Deceive Us.”
Chabris joined Union in the fall of 2007. He earned his Ph.D. in psychology from Harvard University, where he was a research associate and lecturer.
To read the article, click here (registration may be required).