Posted on Oct 6, 2010
Union’s annual community service outreach, John Calvin Toll Day, is scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 9. This year marks a new direction for the longstanding tradition, named after an alumnus from Union’s first graduating class.
After partnering with the Downtown Schenectady Improvement Corporation the past several years, students will now work directly with community organizations, 9 a.m.-noon.
“Many groups are eager for extra help during these tough economic times, especially nonprofits that have been hit hard and are struggling,” said Angela Tatem, director of the Kenney Community Center, which organizes the event each fall. “We’re forging new relationships between the College and organizations that help the underserved of our community.”
Volunteers and staff at the various organizations will give students an overview of their mission and needs before directing them to projects ranging from cleaning up storage pantries to bowling with senior citizens.
“We hope that those who take part in Saturday’s event will be further compelled to continue volunteering at these organizations,” Tatem said. “From Union’s past record, we’re certain this will be the case.”
Organizations partnering with Union this weekend include the Animal Protective Foundation, Bethesda House, Boys and Girls Club, Children of Our Community Open to Achievement (COCOA House), City Mission, Damien Center, Emmanuel Friedens Church, First United Methodist Church, Habitat for Humanity, H4H Restore, Glendale Nursing Home, Schaffer Heights (residence for the elderly), Schenectady County Public Library, Schenectady Museum, Vale Cemetery, Vale Park, and Weed and Seed.
Students will register as individuals or part of a group. Participating groups include AEPi, Black Students Union, Bronner House, Intervarsity Christian Fellowship, Lambda Pi Chi, Phi Iota Alpha, Tri Delta, Sigma Delta Tau and Webster House.
John Calvin Toll, who graduated in 1799, was the great-great-grandfather of the late Al Hill ’46, of Buffalo. Hill, an active alumnus and volunteer, and his wife, Perrie, created a fund to encourage Union students to undertake volunteer service.
For more information, contact Janet Sweeney at the Kenney Community Center, 388-6609;
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