Thursday, May 14, 4:30 p.m. / Schaffer Library, Phi Beta Kappa Room / Philosophy Speaker Series presents Rachel Cohon of the University at Albany on “Hume’s Indirect Passions and the Motives of Virtuous Actions”
Thursday, May 14, 5-7 p.m. / Blue House / Asian Awareness and Pacific Islander Awareness discussion series
Thursday, May 14, 7-9 p.m. / Beuth (outside) / Film: "Darfur Now," presented by Campus Action in conjunction with Darfur Awareness Week
Friday, May 15, 5–9 p.m. / Mandeville Gallery and various downtown Schenectady establishments / Art Night Schenectady
Friday, May 15, 5-8 p.m. / The Nott / Golub and Sigma Phi present "Art for Progress"
Friday, May 15 – Monday, May 18, 8 and 10 p.m. / Reamer Campus Center Auditorium / Film: “He’s Just Not That into You”
Friday, May 15-Saturday, May 16, 7 p.m.-7 a.m. / Bailey Field and track / Relay for Life
Saturday, May 16, 10 a.m. / Octopus’s Garden (between Wells and McKean houses) / Garden planting: set plants in soil, install watering system, and add signage and stakes; food to be donated to Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York and used at campus eateries, including Ozone Café and 03 Marketplace. Contact: Connie Schmitz at
Saturday, May 16, 6:30-8:30 p.m. / Memorial Chapel / Shakti Spring Show
Sunday, May 17, noon / Memorial Field House / U-Care Day Carnival
Monday, May 18, 7:30 p.m. / Visual Arts Building, Room 215 / Matthew Bondurant reads from "The Wettest County in the World, " his novel about bootlegging and general misbehavior in rural Virginia in the early part of the last century, with main characters based on members of his family. Green House will host a dinner with him for Green House faculty and students.

Doug Eldridge Collection
Monday May 18, 3-4:30 p.m. / Golub House / Informal conversation with filmmakers Marylou and Jerome Bongiorno of Bongiorno Productions, about their award-winning film, “Revolution ’67,” depicting the summer 1967 Newark, N.J., race riots
Monday, May 18, 7 p.m. / F.W.Olin Auditorium / Film screening: “Revolution ’67,” which has won a number of international film festival awards; Marylou and Jerome Bongiorno of Bongiorno Productions will screen the film
Tuesday, May 19, 12:45 p.m. / Rapaport Ethics Across the Curriculum Luncheon Workshop with Rosamond Rhodes, professor of philosophy, CUYNY, and director of Bioethics Education,Mount Sinai School of Medicine; RSVP to Marianne Snowden (
Tuesday, May 19, 6 p.m. / Taylor Music Center, Emerson Auditorium / “A Celebration of Spring” concert featuring the Taiko Ensemble; sponsored by Department of Music and East Asian Studies program
Wednesday, May 20, 5 p.m. / Becker Career Center / “Graduating Without a Job, Now What?”
Thursday, May 21, 7:30 p.m. / Taylor Music Center, Emerson Auditorium / Tim Olsen Trio + 1, final program in the Department of Music’s “A Trio of Trios.” Features Professor Olsen on piano, Eric Walentowicz on sax, John Menegon on bass and Dave Ratajczak on drums performing originals and jazz standards; free and open to the public
Friday, May 22, 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m. / Hale House / Faculty forum on "Improving Student Outcomes in Gateway Introductory Courses," addressing why talented students of color struggle with introductory courses, especially in the sciences and engineering. Features speakers from Barnard, Carleton, Grinnell, Hamilton, Mt. Holyoke, Olin and Wellesley colleges and Columbia University, and Union Dean of Engineering Cherrice Traver, the David Falk and Elynor Rudnick-Falk Professor of Computer Engineering. Sponsored by Consortium on High Achievement and Success (CHAS); free for Union faculty and staff. To register, click here.
Friday, May 22, 3:30-5:30 p.m. / AUM Hindu Association and the Kenney Community Center 's annual Holi event
Friday, May 22 – Monday, May 25, 8 and 10 p.m. / Reamer Campus Center Auditorium / Film: “Coraline”
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