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Safety precautions urged

Posted on Sep 22, 1995

In the wake of a recent off-campus incident, Campus Safety is urging students to use

  • Do not walk or jog alone off campus.
  • Use the campus escort service, ext. 6386.
  • Know the locations of emergency phones.
  • Alert friends of travel plans.
  • Keep doors and windows locked; do not prop doors.
  • Report suspicious activity to Campus Safety (ext. 6911) or Schenectady police

On Friday, Sept. 15, at 2:30 p.m., a female student who was Rollerblading off campus
was accosted by seven or eight youths, Campus Safety reported. During the incident, she
dropped about $25, which was taken by the youths.

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Three elected to board

Posted on Sep 22, 1995

Three have been elected to the College's Board of Trustees: Mary Ann Shirley
MacLean, Philip R. Beuth '54 and Benjamin R. Jacobson '67.

  • MacLean of Mattawa, Ill., is a member of the Illinois State Board of Education and chair
    of its Assessment Committee. She is also a member of the advisory committee of the
    Newberry Library in Chicago.
  • Beuth serves on the boards of UNICEF and DIFFA — the Design Industries Foundation
    Fighting AIDS. This year the College awarded him an Eliphalet Nott Medal, which recognizes
    the perseverance of alumni who have attained distinction.
  • Jacobson is on the boards of the Greater New York City YMCA, the Graduate School of
    Business at New York University, and several businesses. He also is an adjunct professor
    at the Darden School of Business at the University of Virginia.
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Coeducation to be celebrated

Posted on Sep 22, 1995

The first half of the two-weekend celebration of 25 years of coeducation begins
Friday, Sept. 29, with a panel discussion on using the Union alumnae connection to network
in the job market and a narrated dance performance, “Minerva's Daughters.”

The celebration continues on Saturday with events on athletics, health professions and
the transition to coeducation.

The celebration will continue on Parents Weekend, Oct. 6 through 8. Complete schedules,
including athletic and other events, are available in the Reamer Campus Center.

Here is a partial list of events for Sept. 29 and 30:

Friday, Sept. 29

  • 5 p.m. Old Chapel. Panel Discussion: “How to Get What You Want: Using Your Union
  • 8 p.m. Arts Atrium/Dance Studio. “A Work in Progress: Minerva's Daughters,” a
    narrated dance performance of the contributions of women during Union's first 175 years.

Saturday, Sept. 30

  • 9:45 a.m. Old Chapel. Coaches' reception recognizing teams and athletes from the last 25
  • 9:45 a.m. Hale House. Health professionals reception.
  • 10:30 a.m. Old Chapel. Panel discussion on “Gender Equity in Intercollegiate
  • 10:30 a.m. Hale House. Panel discussion on “Composing a Career in the Health
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Review committees formed

Posted on Sep 22, 1995

Committees have been formed to review the tenurability of three faculty members:
Alan Bowman, assistant professor, Graduate Management Institute; Andrew Feffer, assistant
professor of history; and Suthathip Yaisawarng, assistant professor of economics.

Members of the College community may submit information on each candidate's teaching,
scholarship or College service to members of the review committees.

For Bowman, committee members are Julius Barbanel, committee chair, mathematics; Donald
Arnold, GMI; Harold Fried, Economics; and Brenda Wineapple, English. For Feffer, members
are Adrian Frazier, committee chair, English; Steven Berk, history; Susan Niefield,
mathematics; and Martin Strosberg, GMI. For Yaisawarng, members are David Hayes, committee
chair, chemistry; Sharon Gmelch, anthropology; James Kenney, economics; and Jan Ludwig,

Professional review committees have been formed to evaluate the performance of Pat
Adams, acquisitions and periodicals librarian; and Li Shan, catalog librarian; both of
Schaffer Library.

Members of the College community may comment on their professional performance,
professional development, scholarship or community service by contacting a member of the

For Adams, committee members are Jean Sheviak, committee chair, ext. 6621; Annette
LeClair; Cara Molyneaux and John Marincola. For Shan, members are Annette LeClair, chair,
ext. 6631; Mary Cahill, and Ellen Fladger.

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Students hook up to RESNET

Posted on Sep 22, 1995

“Students can't seem to get hooked up fast enough,” Diane Keller of
OCS says about ResNet, the new ethernet service that makes the Internet available to every
student in a campus residence hall.

ResNet, short for “residence hall network,” is based on ethernet, which
provides direct access to the Internet.

ResNet replaces the residence hall network installed in 1986. That system, which was
failing, allowed Internet access only by logging into another system, a relatively slow
process. ResNet allows students direct access to the Internet without logging into the
College's system, said David Cossey, director of OCS.

There are 1,400 ResNet connections, or, in industry jargon, “one per pillow.”

In 1986, Union was among the first colleges in the country to install data connections
in each residence hall room. This fall, the College is among the first in the country to
provide students with direct Internet access.

Students can get a ResNet connection by calling OCS at ext. 2659 and setting up an
appointment. Student computers must meet minimum configuration requirements, and they must
have a ResNet card or cable, which are available at the bookstore. Depending on the
computer, the card or cable could cost between $50 and $300, but generally they run less
than $100. OCS is installing the ResNet cards and providing the Internet applications
software at no charge.

If a student does not have a personal computer, it doesn't mean they will be
“locked out,” said Keller, director of academic computing in OCS. All OCS
computer labs have access to the Internet.

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