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Sabrina (Rau) Kanner ’80 oversees rebuilding at World Financial Center

Posted on Aug 8, 2002

SEXISM 101: Conjure up an image of the woman who is construction honcho at the first major rebuilding effort at ground zero. Wears that hard hat, yes? Chain-smokes Camels? Swears a blue streak? Screams a lot? Downs boilermakers while she issues arm-wrestling challenges to the guys?

O.K., Sabrina Kanner does wear the hard hat. That's about it.

Ms. Kanner is overseeing the $50 million reconstruction of the 10-story Winter Garden atrium at the World Financial Center, which suffered severe damage on Sept. 11. Her title is vice president for design and construction at Brookfield Properties, which, true to its name, owns 50 properties worth $8 billion in the United States and Canada, including the World Financial Center.

Willowy and 44, she is regularly reminded of her resemblance to Gwyneth Paltrow and Audrey Hepburn. “Sabrina is altogether ladylike,” said Jim White, the on-site manager for Turner Construction, chief contractor at the Winter Garden. “She's not one of the guys, but she knows just as much as they do.”

Her role as Brookfield's boss on the 11-month-old project requires equal measures of diplomacy and desk-pounding. Drawing on two decades of knockabout experience with construction crews, she hand-picked the contractors on the job and is goading them to meet their looming deadline: Sept. 11, 2002.

“There is one beauty problem I don't share with my friends: hard-hat hair,” she said.

Ric Clark, president and chief executive of Brookfield, said: “It is rare to have a woman in her job in this profession, which is dominated by a rough-and-tumble boys' network. But usually she's the smartest one in the room.”

Her opinion? “Being a woman worked in my favor,” Ms. Kanner said, “because I am the unexpected. That puts people off balance. In this business they test you – and maybe more so when you're a woman. But when they find out you have the goods, they accept you.”

She hasn't opted for the high-decibel approach in going nose to nose with the most formidable contractors and construction unions in New York. “People think the secret to being a construction boss is screaming and yelling,” she said, “but the real power is the checkbook. I tell them if they don't do the job, they don't get paid. Then they listen.”

These days as Lower Manhattan languishes in the summer sun, it isn't all that easy to recapture the funereal desperation of last fall. Ms. Kanner, though, is unable to forget. “It was so grim,” she said on a recent afternoon in the Winter Garden.

Early on, “it was a war zone,” she recalled, her gaze very far away. “You'd find yourself having your lunch next to where the morgue was.” She sighed. “Anyone down here was grateful to have something to do. To make it whole again. To make things normal.”

Normality is still a long way off, but “the task never seemed insurmountable, because we knew what we had to do,” she said. “Enclose the buildings with plywood. Get power and water going. Then start cleaning up. And cleaning. And cleaning.”

After tons of steel, glass and marble began arriving, “it was hair-raising at times, to do so many seat-of-the-pants things,” Ms. Kanner said. “But everyone has done what they needed to do.”

THE oldest of seven children who grew up in Haworth, N.J., she was ever accustomed to presiding at tables full of large, vocal groups. Later, as an English major at Union College in Schenectady, she took business courses “so I could get through the door,” Ms. Kanner said. The door in question happened to be that of a paint contractor (she did estimates and financial reports), and soon she was hired to put together estimates for construction jobs for Olympia & York, the company that later built the World Financial Center and was ultimately succeeded by Brookfield.

“Once I got into general construction I fell in love with it,” she said. “I was desperate to build. It is so tangible. So I kept begging to be a project manager.” Her first project, in 1983, was a bank in 245 Park Avenue, “strictly sink or swim.”

She swam so well that, two years later, she was entrusted with the construction of the 10-floor trading center at Merrill Lynch in the World Financial Center. By 1986 she was heading all building renovation, managing a company within a company.

“It's tough to be in the construction business now, but back in the 80's it was the Wild West,” Mr. Clark said. “And there was Sabrina, in her 20's, running the interior construction business for Olympia & York.” She became a vice president in 1989.

Curiously, not that long before Sept. 11, Ms. Kanner had returned to her first building, 245 Park Avenue, to supervise the reconstruction of the space now occupied by the brasserie Django. Since the attack on the trade center, though, her office has been ground zero.

Somehow Ms. Kanner managed to find time for a family. “I used to drive around the city with my kids till they were sick of it, telling them, `See, I did this building, I did that lobby,' ” she said of Michael, now 12, and Hayley, now 9.

After Sept. 11, “I'd find myself talking about what I was doing with them,” she said. “I think it was a point of pride to them, that I was down here helping to put things right. I hope it made up for those days when I couldn't get home on time.”

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Garnet and Gray : Ramée Circle

Posted on Aug 1, 2002

Among the many alumni and friends who support the College are those who do so in their financial or estate planning.

To say “thank you” during their lifetimes, Union established the Ramée Circle Society to recognize and show our appreciation for their thoughtfulness. We periodically list their names in College publications, invite them to special events on campus, and list them in a distinctive honor roll in the Reamer Campus Center.

Enrollment in the Ramée Circle is open to any person who has included Union in their will, trusts, life insurance provisions, pooled life income funds, charitable gift annuities, or other such arrangements. If you would like to join this distinguished society, please contact our Gift Planning Office (1-518-388-6156 or toll free
1-888-843-4365 ext. 6156) or e-mail Alice Marocco at maroccoa@union.edu. Our deep appreciation to all the following members (italics indicates deceased; names in bold are new members since the Winter 2001 magazine listing):

  • Thomas C. '63 & Susan S. Ackerman
  • Clark Alberts '44
  • A. Melcher '45 & Shirley M. Anderson
  • Richard W. Angle '38
  • John I. Argersinger '35
  • Richard L. '58 & Geraldine Argyle
  • Isabel K. Arms
  • Robert D. Arnold '41
  • Arminé G. Aroian
  • James A. Baar '49
  • William C. Bachtel '70G
  • Richard M. Baird '30
  • Richard I. '29 & Lorraine H. Barstow
  • Avery J. '42 & Lois W. Beer
  • Harry J. Benedict '57
  • Philip R. Beuth '54
  • William C. '42 & Geraldine M. Birdsall
  • Harold R. Boroson '45
  • Allen C. Braemer '52
  • Howard B. Braman '61
  • Peter R. Brayton '72
  • Richard L. Brickley '41
  • Reginald L. Brooks '26
  • Edwin A. Brown
  • Wendell L. '48 & Jane Bryce
  • Mrs. Gary R. Burch
  • Frank M. & Angela F. Calabria
  • Elizabeth B. Carrick
  • August E. '46 & Winifred Cerrito
  • D. Vincent Cerrito '32
  • H. Milton Chadderdon '33
  • Gregory S. '75 & Kathleen G. '75 Clear
  • Morris Marshall Cohn '24
  • Myron J. Cohn '32
  • Quintin P. Cole '40
  • Dan R. '35 & Emily Conlon
  • Herbert R. & Charlotte L. Cooper
  • James M. Corbin '34
  • John Cotton
  • George F. Cox '26
  • Lee L. Davenport '37
  • Richard G. '39 & Elisabeth B. Day
  • Lyall Dean '43
  • Andrew C. DeHont '51
  • Christopher H. Demos '46
  • Patrick A. DiCerbo '88
  • James Dickson '35
  • Horace E. Dodge III '46
  • John D. '44 & Margaret A. Don
  • André R. Donikian '65
  • Robert N. Downer '66
  • Bruce O. Downsbrough '75
  • Kevin J. Dulin '69
  • Max J. Eisner '41
  • Robert B. Enemark '50
  • James E. '49 & Marion C. Enright
  • Robert P. Ericson '41
  • Robert D. '37 & Margaret F. Everest
  • George V. Exner '52
  • Aaron Feinsot '45
  • John M. Ferguson '59
  • Virginia M. Fisher
  • Hugh F. '36 & Renate Fitch
  • Roland V. '43 & Nancy D. Fitzroy
  • Jonas '31 & Edith Fleminberg
  • Donald M. Foster '47
  • Herbert O. '39 & Jean M. Fox
  • Norman W. '43 & Helen M. Fox
  • Frederick S. Frank '57
  • Robert W. Frelick '41
  • Moey Leo Friedman '42
  • Ernest B. '56 & Margery P. Gardow
  • Rodney W. Gartner '51
  • David R. '51 & Delphine W. Gaskill
  • Carl J. & Gail W. George
  • Charles A. Gilmore, Jr. '36
  • Julian M. & Donna Mae Gokhale
  • Abbott H. Goldenkoff '31
  • Gordon Gould '41
  • Stephen H. Gow '35
  • John L. Grant '45
  • Steven K. Griffiths '49
  • Robert E. Groundwater '43
  • Hedda Hainebach
  • Michael A. Halperson '68
  • William H. '45 & Eleanor P. Hamilton
  • William B. '80 & Winifred Hancock
  • Joseph K. '52 & Mary Jane Handler
  • Robert A. Hanley, Jr. '48
  • Robert W. Hanson '40
  • Paul L. Harkess '86G
  • Clemens F. Hathaway '35
  • James W. Haviland '32
  • Donald C. Hawkes, Jr. '37
  • Frank E. Heaney '50
  • Evelyn R. Heyer
  • Albert K. '46 & Perrie J. Hill
  • Joseph M. '47 & Barbara B. Hinchey
  • Codman Hislop '31
  • Frederick J. Hollister '32
  • Alice Holmes
  • Douglas G. Horan '67
  • Walter L. '37 & Annette Horstman
  • Lewis I. Horwitz '33
  • Charles V. Howe '50
  • Henry L. Howe III '43
  • Robert B. Howe '58
  • Wallace R. '37 & Margaret C. Hughes
  • Roger H. Hull
  • Leonard C. '49 & Rosemary B. Humphrey
  • Francis '43 & Marilyn J. Jankowski
  • Ronald Q. Jennett '52
  • William L. '40 & Virginia E. Johnson
  • William V. Johnson '44
  • Harlan B. '51 & Alice C. Juengling
  • Warren O. Kamm '45
  • Marvin Katz '37
  • Kevin K. '79 & Maryalice Kilbourne
  • Frederick A. & Eleanor G. Klemm
  • Edwin D. Knight '45
  • Mason '42 & Ruth Ann Kronick
  • Philip W. Kuepper
  • Paul E. Kummer '43
  • Robert B. '43 & Muriel C. Lee
  • Max Len '39
  • Richard W. Lent '44
  • James P. Lerner '78
  • Edith S. Lessor
  • Ronald H. Levine '55
  • John P. '41 & June R. Lewis
  • Charles J. Loew '62
  • Charles D. Lothridge '44
  • Arthur E. Lowenthal '41
  • Paul K. Mader '50
  • Charles T. Male, Jr. '36
  • Theodore '43 & Joan M. Male
  • William J. Male '38
  • Mary A. Malicki '78
  • David C. Mandeville '45
  • John E. Mann '43
  • Robert H. Marshall '67
  • George E. Martin '50
  • Chester T. Marvin '45
  • A. Noble McCartney '41
  • Alice W. McChesney
  • David J. McClemens '64
  • H. Richard McLane '58
  • Francis C. '46 & Elizabeth N. McMath
  • Seymour L. '44 & Jacqueline Meisel
  • Frank L. '73 & Colleen Messa
  • Michael B. Meyer '57
  • Randolph W. Meyer '57
  • Richmond F. Meyer '23
  • Joseph E. '36 & Elizabeth C. Milano
  • Karen Singer Miller '79
  • John C.'34 & Virginia K. Moore
  • Robert S. '76 & Jeanne Morette
  • Scott Muirhead '68
  • Kathryn L. Mullaney '74
  • Grace E. Munzer
  • Paul E. Newcomer '47
  • George W. Norris '41
  • Arthur D. O'Loughlin '60
  • Gerald E. '52 & Colleen O'Loughlin
  • Nathan & Romana Obenzinger
  • C. Rolland & Dorothy C. Oswald
  • James S. Page '65
  • John O. '36 & Liselotte C. Page
  • David W. Palmer '51
  • Gordon H. '41 & Elizabeth H. Parker
  • Sherman W. Parry '40
  • Decendants of Jonathan Pearson
  • Othniel A. Pendleton '33
  • Robert J. '78G & Ann M. Perry
  • Stanley G. Peschel '52
  • Ralph H. '50 & Ruth P. Petrucci
  • DeForest C. '29 & Charlotte Blandy Pitt
  • Lyman G. Potter '46
  • Gary K. Price '45
  • Christine Isaacks Reilly '75
  • James Reisman '61
  • C. Malcolm Rhoades '35
  • Paul Rieschick '74
  • Richard E. '50 & Barbara J. Roberts
  • Mildred B. Rojansky
  • Allan N. Rumpf '51
  • Virgil J. '35 & Margaret A. Sager
  • Edgar A. '40 &
  • Margaret D. Sandman
  • Winston A. '41 & Janet A. Saunders
  • Edwin W. Scantlebury '41
  • Augusta A. Schwab
  • Robert B. Scott '56
  • Eugene M. Setel '50
  • Robert J. Settzo '50
  • Van der Bogert Shanklin '51
  • Daniel J. Shapiro '44
  • Mark A. Shapiro '77
  • Kenneth B. '43 & Kathleen K. Sharpe
  • Cindy W. Sipkin '76
  • Donald Sirkin '49
  • J. Jay '34 & Coletta S. Sitney
  • Robert L. '35 & Jeanne L. Slobod
  • Edward R. Smith '54
  • Robert A. Smith '52
  • Richard C. '37 & Marjorie L. Snyder
  • Reuben Sorkin '33
  • Frank R. '26 & Adelaide H. Stansel
  • Albert H. Stevenson '36
  • James A. Thompson '76
  • Walter A. '33 & Amanda Thurber
  • Donald R. Thurston
  • Jerry L. '61 & Sandra W. Thurston
  • Ellis W. Trombley '34
  • Alexander M. '34 & Leila Turner
  • Richard M. '44 & Glenise S. Tyndall
  • J. Dawson Van Eps '28
  • Roger C. Van Tassel '46
  • Howard E. '42 & Betty Van Valkenburg
  • Eugene P. Vehslage '49
  • Alexandra G. Verrigni '85
  • Armand D. Versaci '45
  • William A. Waldron '35
  • William Wallace III '47
  • Sally A. Webster
  • E. Glen '27 & Mildred S. Wells
  • Robert V. & Cathie Wells
  • Ellwood B. Wengenroth '35
  • William M. '36 & Irene Wheeler
  • Thornton W. Whipple '35
  • Robert S. '44 & Ruth E. White
  • Joyce M. Wiese
  • A. Roland '44 & Constance H. Will
  • Hugh Allen Wilson
  • Arthur N. Yeates '44
  • Alan Young '55
  • Jeffrey G. Zorn '87
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Garnet and Gray : Gifts, grants and bequests

Posted on Aug 1, 2002

Recent gifts, grants, and bequests
to the College include:

A distribution was received from a pooled life income fund established by the late Myron Cohn '32. The proceeds were added to the Nott Memorial Maintenance Endowment, the Memorial Chapel Maintenance Endowment, and the Myron J. '32 and Elaine M. Cohn Scholarship Fund.

The Jeanne L. and Robert L. Slobod Endowed Scholarship was created
from the proceeds of three charitable gift annuities established by the late Robert L. Slobod '35. First preference in awarding this scholarship will be given to students of Iroquois heritage. If no eligible student meets the criteria,
the next preference will be given to Native American students.

Moey L. Friedman '42 established a second charitable gift annuity.

Sara Earngey Stone, widow of William C. Stone '42, made a gift through her estate to establish the Sara Earngey Stone Endowment Fund, which will be used by Schaffer Library to purchase books on the Ottoman (and Turkish) Empire, its art, culture and history. William C. Stone, former professor of mathematics at the College, served as the Fulbright lecturer in math at Robert College in Istanbul, Turkey during the late 1960s.

The estate of James Fry '46 made
a partial distribution establishing the James W. “Wes” Fry Scholarship for the benefit of graduates of Lake George (N.Y.) High School.

A distribution was received from the estate of Gordon F. Newell '46 and was added to the scholarship already established in his name. This scholarship is awarded to students pursuing majors
in the physical sciences or engineering, with the exception of computer science.

Ronald Q. Jennett '52 established the Ronald Quentin Jennett and Margaret Anne Jennett Scholarship Fund. First preference in awarding this scholarship will be given to students from Clinton, Essex, and Franklin Counties in New York State or from Fort Worth, Texas or
Tarrant County, Texas.

Donald C. Loughry '52 established the Alice and Donald C. Loughry Endowed Prize Fund, to be awarded to the student or students completing the best senior projects in computer science, computer systems engineering, or electrical engineering.

The Thomas W. Duffy '71 Endowed Scholarship was established from
the estate of Thomas Duffy '71.

A ten-year term trust established
by Robert J. '78G and Ann M. Perry has matured and made a partial distribution that was added to the Professor Leo A. Aroian Fellowship for the benefit of graduate students who require financial assistance to attend the Graduate Management Institute.

The estate of Ruth Anne Evans,
a long-time employee of Schaffer Library, made a distribution for the benefit of
the library and its programs.

Richard Huxley, a friend of the
College, established a deferred
payment charitable gift annuity.

Mildred Steele made a gift in memory of her father, Kenneth S. Sheldon '20,
for an endowed scholarship. In addition, she established a charitable gift annuity with the College that will ultimately be added to the scholarship.

A gift was received from the estate of Herbert Strong, a former employee of the College, for the purchase of equipment or in the furtherance of programs conducted by the Physics Department.

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Garnet and Gray : For your information

Posted on Aug 1, 2002

Class Officers Elected

The following alumni were elected officers by their classes during
ReUnion Weekend:

President, Arthur C. Mengel, Jr.; Alumni Council Representatives,
Henry Whitbeck and Arthur C. Mengel, Jr.

President, Michael A. Stanco;
Vice President, Frederick J. Longe;
Alumni Council Representatives,
Francis P. Coward and Edward P. Fliegel

President, Frederick Brandt;
Vice President, William Wallace;
Secretary, Philip Ziffer; Alumni Council Representatives, Anthony Izzo and
Philip Ziffer; ReUnion Chairs, Norman L. Kreisman and Norman Schwartz

President, Howard S. Modlin;
Vice President, John H. Duffy; Secretary, Rev. Richard A. DeMott and Ronald Jennett; Alumni Council Representatives, William P. Delaney, Jr. and Joseph Handler; ReUnion Chairs, George F. Redington and John K. Schwartz, Jr.

President, Alan Cox; Vice President, Jay Fromer; Secretary, James Fisher; Alumni Council Representatives,
Robert Yunick and Peter E. Noonan; ReUnion Chairs, Frederick Frank and Harry Benedict

President, John Charlton;
Co-Vice Presidents, Kenneth Laubacher and Calvin Welch; Secretary,
Thomas Johnson; Alumni Council Representatives, Ronald Harrington
and Calvin P. Welch; ReUnion Chairs, Edward Gentile and Richard Giddings

President, David D. Duchscherer; Vice President, Mark Cullings; Secretary, Dennis Gordan; Alumni Council Representatives, William J. Nealon III; ReUnion Chairs, Frank Burns and
Robert H. Marshall, D.D.S.

President, Henry Kass; Vice President, William Silver; Secretary, Cynthia Adams Buchen; Alumni Council Representatives, Robert Michaelson
and Harris Ginsberg; ReUnion Chairs, Robert Michaelson and Henry Kass

President, Kevin Harkenrider;
Vice President, Glen Emelock; Secretary, Patricia A. Cose; Alumni Council Representatives, Anthony J. Romanazzi, D.M.D. and Neal Schwartz; ReUnion Chairs, Karen Huggins and Anthony Romanazzi

Alumni Council Representatives, Leah Nero, Adam Cappel, and Michael Kreiner

Have you searched
our Website?

The College Relations Office has expanded its web pages on the Union website, adding “Kids in Action,” “A Trolley Ride through ReUnion 2002,” Annual Fund class updates, and a map of past and upcoming alumni events. We hope you will take some time to review these and all of the web pages. If you have any comments, please direct them to
Katie Kiley at kileyk@union.edu.

NBC “Today” and Union College

Kate Stefanik '01 and Julie Solomon

Kate Stefanik '01 and Julie Solomon, a member of the College Relations staff, display the Union College flag at the
NBC “Today” show in New York City.


A gold bracelet set with stones was lost during ReUnion Weekend. Anyone with information is asked to contact Gail Bishop-Davis at
or (978) 346-8256.

Annual Fund Update

As of press time in mid-June, the Annual Fund was charging down the stretch toward completion.

A full recap of the 90th Annual Fund will appear in the fall edition of the magazine. The Report of Gifts, a complete listing of donors to the College, will also be mailed in the fall.

Becker Career
Center dedicated

President Hull and Stanley R. Becker '40

A highlight of the ReUnion Weekend festivities was the dedication of the Stanley R. Becker '40 Career Center.

Originally known as Old Gym Hall, the building was renovated and dedicated
as Becker Hall, housing the Admissions and Financial Aid Offices, in 1981.

As President Hull noted in his remarks, after twenty years of many, many prospective students passing through the building, the Admissions and Financial Aid Offices outgrew the space, and Stanley Becker once again stepped forward to provide funding to renovate the building to offer our students a state-of-the-art career center.

The new Becker Career Center provides students with access to career advisors, individual counseling, career resources (written and electronic), and technology to assist them and alumni in career planning.

For more than twenty years Mr. Becker has supported five students per year majoring in political science with scholarship aid. And, in 2000, in honor of Mr. Becker's sixtieth ReUnion, all the previous Becker Scholars created an annual scholarship known as the Becker Scholars Scholar.

From the Parents Council

In early May, more than 300 parents and family members joined their Union students on campus for a wonderful spring weekend. The events were strongly academic in focus-including the Steinmetz Symposium and Prize Day. Other highlights included a reception for parents in the Nott Memorial hosted by President Roger Hull; a special breakfast for parents on campus held by the Parents Council; and a panel of faculty, students, and administrators on housing at Union. Our moderator was Tom McEvoy, the
new dean of residence and campus life. We were pleased that so many parents participated in the weekend!

Another gathering, the first of its kind, took place in June on Commencement Weekend. The Garnet Gala-for graduating seniors, graduate students, and their families-was a celebration of the many years of hard work that culminated with graduation. More than 1,000 people attended this event (hosted by the College). The message was clearly, “Congratulations!” It was a great a
send off into the real world!

Debbie Denefrio, Parents Fund Chair,
has announced that the Parents Fund is doing very well. Current parent donors and their gifts are both up over last year; as of press time, donors are up by 2.7 percent and their gifts are up by 8.5percent. We appreciate this very generous gesture of support from parents.

Looking ahead to summer and fall, the Parents Handbook will be mailed in July. Watch for it. Also, please make a note that the dates for Homecoming and Family Weekend will be October 11-13, 2002. There will be a Parents Council Steering Committee meeting on Saturday morning. If you would like to step up your involvement with Union while your
child is a student, we encourage you
to plan on attending.

Finally, to get more information about anything parent-related, be sure to check out the parent web page at

Have a great summer. We'll look forward to seeing you in the fall!

Tom and Sally Simons (Emily '03)
Parents Council Co-chairs

Gift planning news

The Gift Planning Office sponsored two events during ReUnion Weekend that were well-received. The first, a personal and estate planning seminar presented by a representative of TrustCo bank, was held on Friday morning. The topic appealed to all ages with twenty attendees from the classes of the 1930s through the 1980s. The second program was a breakfast for Ramée Circle members on Saturday in the Arts Atrium. The twenty attendees were treated to a delightful performance by three Union students-Sleeping Beauty danced by Lauren Squires '05; a modern dance-The Emergence-performed and choreographed by Thalia Matthews '02; and a Franz Schubert “Impromptu” solo piano piece by Tian Tian '05. Professors Hilary Tann and Miryam Moutillet gave
a brief overview of the dance and
music programs.

Scholarship support
is important

More than 150 attended the annual Scholarship Recognition Luncheon on May 9. Fred Cyr '02, the recipient of the James Gross '63 scholarship, and Glenna Malcolm '02, the recipient of the Leo
and Dorothy Golub Spira scholarship, commented about the value and importance of receiving scholarship aid to attend Union. The list of endowed scholarships continues to grow as alumni and friends know the impact this type of support has on the College and its ability to attract the best and brightest students.

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Garnet and Gray : Alumni clubs

Posted on Aug 1, 2002

Boston, MA

Young alumni of the Boston area gathered on March 14th to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. More than 100 alumni were in attendance to mingle with friends and former classmates over cocktails at Clery's in Boston.

On April 11th President Roger Hull joined over 100 alumni and friends in Boston's Financial District at the Harvard Club to present “Union Today and Union Tomorrow.” He discussed the recent improvements the college has made to Union and the surrounding community. The President also shared some exciting innovations, including changes to the curriculum that will carry the College
into the next century.

A number of alumni also met for the first seminar of a planned series on “Preparing for Retirement” on April 24th. The group heard about the experience of recently retired Vince Guerra, MD '55 and his wife, Joline. He spoke about medical conditions afflicting this age group, and identified future topics for discussion. The next meeting will take place in September.

Dallas, TX

Union College alumni and friends welcomed springtime with a Wine Tasting at Dallas' Wine Broker. It was the first official event held by the Union College Alumni Club of Dallas. Alumni of all ages and classes mixed and mingled as they listened to a lecture on wine and sampled a range of fine vintages from three continents and five countries.

Hartford, CT

On April 30th the New Britain Museum of American Art closed for the evening and opened its doors exclusively for Union's Hartford area alumni to hear President Hull's presentation, “Union Today and Union Tomorrow”. After hearing about the exciting changes taking place at Union, the group enjoyed special exhibits as well as works in the permanent collection that ranged from photography to sculpture.

New York City

In May a group of New York City area alumni of all ages gathered at the
Cornell Club to begin structuring a formal New York City Alumni Club and discuss ideas for future events. The proposed
ideas included everything from theatre
to sporting events. New Yorkers should watch their mailboxes for alumni events beginning this fall!

Philadelphia, PA

On May 3rd and 4th 18 alumni joined Union's Pre-Health society to talk to students who are interested in pursuing careers in health professions. The weekend's events are best summarized by the comments of a student in attendance; she said, “I can't believe how much I learned and the many options I have to consider for the next few years. Also, the contacts I made at the dinner were wonderful. The alumni were so willing to talk and be contacted in the future. I really learned a lot from them. When I told my mom about my weekend, she said that she hadn't heard me so excited about anything in a long time. She could tell how much I wanted to pursue medicine…these trips really add a lot to the College.”

Schenectady, N.Y.

On April 17, over 100 Union alumni and friends had the opportunity to attend a performance by the Miami City Ballet at Schenectady's Proctor's Theater. Edward Villella, Founding Artistic Director/Chief Executive Officer of the Miami City Ballet and recipient of an honorary degree from Union College, gave a wonderful pre-performance talk. The evening event began with a reception.

A spring luncheon was held at the Mohawk Golf Club, with over 50 people attending. Mike Saccocio '84, Director of the Schenectady City Mission, spoke about the Mission and its goals and achievements.

On June 18, approximately 50 alumni and friends attended a picnic at the Reamer Student Center overlooking beautiful Jackson's Garden. This annual spring picnic is the finale to a wonderful year of alumni activities and features delicious food and great conversation.

At year-end, club membership stands
at 261.

Washington, D.C.

On May 15th more than 30 local alumni, a number of whom spent a semester in Washington, mixed with 19 interns at the annual Reception for Union interns, which was held in the posh hearing room of the House Agricultural Committee in the Longworth Building. It was a balmy evening and the gathering quickly
spilled out on the balcony overlooking Constitution Avenue and the flood lit Capitol Building. Political Science professor John Zumbrunnen, mentor for this year's spring semester in Washington program, spoke briefly about the development of the program and where the students are working. Katie Yohay, daughter of Steve Yohay '67, cut a large birthday cake honoring Minerva and the 201st birthday of Union worthy William Seward, Lincoln's Secretary of State.

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