1/30/15 Update


This week I worked primarily on the user interface for the telemetry system. I added a button and two LEDs (one red and the other yellow) to a protoboard. This UI can be bolted onto the outside of the plane for ease-of-use. Below is an up-to-date block diagram for the telemetry system on board the aircraft.


I was unable to work with the GPS this week, however, I spoke with Professor Hedrick about GPS and I2C and he has also had bad experiences with the devices. He and I are going to meet next week with a logic analyzer to look at what is actually being sent/received on the data bus line.

Before I meet with Professor Hedrick my goals are to work with the FDTI connection on the GPS. This should allow me to connect directly to my computer and read the NEMA lines from the GPS. Hopefully by confirming that this NEMA lines are accurate (as in I am getting reasonable location, altitude, and time data) then I will know that the issue with the Navigatron is a communication issue. Then when Professor Hedrick and I analyze the data we will know that the GPS itself is receiving accurate data.

This week I will also begin testing the transmitter/receiver combination and the goal for this week is to send one byte from the Arduino Mini to the Arduino Mega accurately. I will also speak with Mike Russo, the club president, about using a small recreation drone to test fly the telemetry system. Ervin and I will also begin trying to power the motor, servos, and telemetry system from the one 6 cell battery because only one power source is allowed on the aircraft.

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