Meet My Microbes – Elizabeth Altman

These are Professor Salvo’s initial patch plates of interesting organisms from her soil sample (Jackson’s Gardens). The first two were on LB and the last three were on TSA. I took interesting organisms from each media to get 1 set of 24 organisms on LB plates and 2 sets of 24 organisms each on TSA plates.


These were the LB plates from the first round of ESKAPE testing. Organisms 2 and 7 were identified as producers on the Gm- plate. These two were patched onto all the ESKAPE safe relatives by someone else.


These plates are the first round of ESKAPE testing on the first set of organisms on TSA. Organisms 1, 2, 4, 8, 13, 15, 16, 20, 22, 23, and 24 were identified as producers on the Gm+ plate. I patched all 11 of these onto all ESKAPE safe relatives myself.


These plates are the first round of ESKAPE testing on the second set of organisms on TSA. Organisms 3 and 10 were identified as producers on the Gm+ plate. These two were patched onto all of the ESKAPE safe relatives by someone else.


This is one of the patch plates from the second round of ESKAPE testing. Only organisms 8, 16, and 20 from the original TSA first set were found to be producers at all during this round of testing. These three were put through colony PCR.


The PCR reactions with the degenerate primer worked for all three organisms, so I moved forward with all three.


These are the positive and negative control organisms on each slide. They were visible on all slides with the expected coloration, so the stains for all unknowns were trusted. These two, along with all microscope images, were taken at 100x.


This is unknown organisms 8. It is a gram positive bacillus that seems to connect in diplobacilli chains.


Organism 16 was a very small gram negative cocci that existed in groups from two up to about twenty cells.


These are pictures of unknown organism 20. It is gram positive, but has a pretty unique appearance, looking more like rectangles than normal bacilli or cocci.

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