Extract News! Kara

I tested 3 extracts from my 3 producers, one of which was isolated on PDA, while the other 2 were isolated on 10% TSA. I found that all three of my extracts inhibited strain #1 which was staph epi, but did not inhibit the other strains.  I picked the strains a bit arbitrarily, because one of my producers had inhibited all of the strains, so I chose 2 gram negative, and 2 gram positive.  I chose strains 1 (Staph epi), 2 (E. coli) , 5 (A. baylyi) and 6 (B. subtillis).  I made sure A. baylyi was one of the strains I looked at because my ESKAPE pathogen was A. baumanni (which is the pathogenic relative of A. baylyi), so I was curious as to whether or not my extracts would inhibit it (sadly they did not).

Overall, I was happy to see that my extracts demonstrated some antibiotic activity, indicating that my extraction was successful.  Unfortunately, staph epi is very “easy” to inhibit, indicating my extracts probably would not work against most microbes.

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