Extract news! -Carly B

I had two samples, 2 and 4, to perform the extract with.  Sample 2 did not evaporate so I could not add methanol to it but sample 4 did evaporate.  I performed the agar disc diffusion test with my two extracts against tester strains #3, #4, #6, and #7.  Strain #4 was E. raffinosis and #6 was B. subtilis and they were Gm+.  Tester strain #3 was E. carotovora and #7 was E. aerogenes and they were Gm-.  I chose E. raffinosis and B. subtilis because my samples previously showed inhibition against these two strains and then I randomly chose two Gm- tester strains because my samples did not show previous inhibition of any Gm- tester strains.  Extract 2 did not inhibit any of the tester strains.  Extract 4 inhibited E. raffinosis and B. subtilis, both Gm+ bacteria, so this sample seems to be an antibiotic producer against Gm+ bacteria.


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