Rivers as Commercial Highways: The Age of River Drives

Thursday, October 13, 2016 • 5:30 TO 6:30 PM

Old Chapel • Free and open to the public 

An illustrated lecture with Richard Nason

photograph of loggers in Johnsburg, NY circa 1869
Logging in Johnsburg, NY circa 1886

Nason has always been interested in history. In the 1970s, he came upon a collection of 16 mm films of Finch, Pruyn’s milling operations and has given illustrated lectures since. He is currently writing a book on the history of the company’s harvesting operations, including interviews with men whose memories go back to the 1920s.

At Finch, Pruyn, Nason worked as an assistant forester, in all aspects of harvesting, he became a woodlands manager and finally worked in the leasing program.