Tuesday, August 8 at 5 p.m. | Kelly Adirondack Center
In April 1869, William H.H. Murray published his most famous book: Adventures in the Wilderness; Or, Camp-life in the Adirondacks. The beginning of recreational camping in America, it was the first book to tell Americans that camping was a form of leisure where one could escape the worst aspects of modern urban life to find refreshment and renewal.
Young will give an illustrated talk about the man, his book, Murray’s Rush, and the several disputes spawned by this flood of new campers.
Terence Young is a professor in the Department of Geography and Anthropology at the California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. He has published on nature perception, recreational environments, tourist landscapes, theme parks, and nature parks and reserves. He has been an avid camper since childhood, first having “headed out” when six-months old. Cornell University Press published his latest book, Heading Out: A History of American Camping, in June 2017.