Graduation Rates in NYC in 2002 & 2003

The article that I looked at on Radical Math, showed graduation rates in 2002 and 2003 between male and female students while taking into consideration their race and ethnicity. The groups I looked at were American Indian/Alaskan Native, Asian/Pacific Islander, Hispanic, Black (not Hispanic), and White (not Hispanic). Female students in nearly every category had higher graduation rates when compared to the Male students.

I found this graph and data very interesting and helpful to see how well we as a society have come. Considering the data is from 2002, it is great to see numbers for both males and females continuing to increase in NYC and throughout the rest of the country.

4 thoughts on “Graduation Rates in NYC in 2002 & 2003

  1. Interesting visual for sure, but I’m interested in what more recent numbers have shown. Also graduation from what level of school? Your data also raises an interesting question of whether graduation rates correlate to the area in which they’re taken.

  2. Great article. Good way to take this assignment, were these statistics from public or private high schools? and do you if they were just from either private or public that the results would be different or stay the same?

  3. Maybe people are taking education more seriously? Plus, nowadays there are more ways to earn degrees such as online which make education for parents and adults with other obligations more accessible. I believe they are also cheaper than say Union College which is now upwards of 68k per year… Not sure though.

  4. Really like the data visualization here. I didn’t realize how low the highs school graduation rates were for various groups. I think if we were to look at graduation rates overall outside of New York City, then average grad rates would go up. Also, I think it would be interesting to bring family income levels into the picture here. Oftentimes those who come from a lower income bracket are less likely to graduate, given they have to work in high school to support themselves and their families.

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