Climate action

I chose climate action because to me, its the most pressing issue the list is trying to combat. Ice caps are melting at record pace  and the amount of greenhouse gasses in our atmosphere is making the temperature Rise. I think that fixing this issue is the most difficult goal on the list because the change in climate can be attributed to more than one human action and in 2018 regulation is not easily passed by the government. The global awareness of this issue is high but, some countries disagree if global warming (Climate Change) is real or not. Because some countries have the perspective that Global Warming is not real it is difficult to truly fix the problem. For example, if you look at the countries with the most change in temperature they are also the ones who denounce global warming as being fake (China and USA). “According to scientists at the U.S Center for Atmospheric Research, if the current rate of global temperature rise continues, the Arctic will be free of Ice by 2040.” It is up to us to Reverse the effect of climate change through global engagement so that future generations will be able to live on earth.




Correlations of Life on Land; Global Awareness

The goal I decided to analyze is goal number 15, Life on Land. This goal sets out to, “protect, restore, and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.” This goal is essentially promoting a healthy planet for everyone who inhabits it. Because we are all part of this world’s plethora of ecosystems, goal number 15 works to protect that ecosystem through a collaborative effort. At the global level, the world works together to fight these issues. For example, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations works to enhance the productivity and sustainability of land use through the interaction between climate and human activities, and land resources.  They have created a model (below) to show this relationship. This organization works with the UN to fight climate change by implementing the most productive use of land according to biophysical and socio-economic conditions.  They do this to minimize land degradation, and to promote the rehabilitating of that land, and to promote the sustainable use of land uses as a whole.

Sustainable land use and management (human activities) decide the sustainability/resilience or degradation/vulnerability of land resources



Global Awareness

For this blog, I am going to focus on global awareness which can be defined as the recognition and appreciation of thecomplexity, size, and diversity of the earth as a single entity. In order to have awareness, we must accept what we do not know and aim to learn what we are unaware of. Overall, I believe that we are all making positive strides in understanding our global impact on the Earth, but we lack the complete answer in how to reverse damages we have caused. For example, there were about 12 billion hectares of biologically productive land and water areas on Earth in 2014. Dividing by the number of people alive in that year (7 billion) gives 1.72 global hectars per person, not including wild species that also need the land. By becoming aware of data like this, we can work together towards decreasing our demand on the environment by using global goals such as the SDG’s. Also, that current levels of meat production adds nearly 6.5 billion tons of CO2-equivalent greenhouse gases every year to the atmosphere. Globally, if we do not work together, we will continue to trigger irreversible negative worldwide effects such that jeopardize earth’s resources such as biodiversity loss and ocean acidification.