Union College Geology Field Trip to the Herkimer Diamond Mine

Google Earth map, highlighting Exit 30 on I-90 in New York State, and the mine, campground, and museum location. See their web site for fees, hours, detailed directions, and camping. Basically, from the Herkimer Exit 30 on I-90, head north on Rt. 28 until you get there.

How to find the diamonds? Step 1: Find a rock that speaks to you: “I have diamonds in me”.

Step 2: Hit it. Most of the rocks are silent, or are lying to you. Sometimes you get lucky.

Tools of the trade: hammers of various sizes, goggles, patience, and a big smile.

This rock lied to me!

Playing frisbee after lunch, with the frisbee plates that came with the sandwich shop lunch.

After breaking a rock, look at the pieces for signs of diamonds.

Smashing away all day at gray rocks can be tiring. Look at the scenery once in awhile. Outside of the gray quarry, it’s quite pretty.

All smiles when diamonds are found! Keep smashing, there might be more in there.

This is what you look like after a day of smashing rocks. All smiles! This is inside the enormous gift shop, which has lots of rocks, minerals, Herkimer diamonds, and jewlery made from Herkimer diamonds. There is also a nice little museum upstairs, don’t forget to take a look!