Mineralogy: Web Resources

TopicWeb sites
Mineralogical societyMineralogical Society of America, the premier U.S. mineralogical society.
Teaching mineralogy online: MSA resource list.
Euhedra animated crystal models: MSA.
All of your textbook slide/animation sets!

Economic geology

Mining Foundation of the Southwest, mining news, prospects, science, economics, outreach.
Mining glossary, AngloAmerican mining outreach.
Silver mining in the US, a short history

Mineralogy databases

Webmineral, an extensive mineralogy database. form and structure animations, chemical search.
Mindat, an extensive mineralogy database locality search and mineral links galore.
Mineralogy and petrology links, thin section photos, software, geochemistry, etc.
USGS mineral resources page, more than mineralogy, lots of good stuff.

Mineral spectra and color

Mineral Spectroscopy, mineral spectra database, spectra, origin of mineral color.
Origin of color in minerals, old review paper on the origin of mineral color.
TextbooksOpen Mineralogy textbook, Dexter Perkins, UND, with many contributors.
Mineralogy and Optical Mineralogy, Dyar and Gunter

Optical mineralogy

Rotating the plane of polarized light, controlled animation.
Microscopy and mineral images, mineral optics and many images of rocks.
Optical Mineralogy, PDF file on mineral optics and how to get them.
Optics explanations and Java animations at Molecular Expressions
Optical concepts and tutorials from Olympus Microscopy.
Nice intro videos to optical mineralogy, parts 1234567.

Crystal structures

Rotating animations of crystal faces, all crystal classes.
Crystal structure rotating animations.
Edenite crystal structure model.
Staurolite crystal structure model.

X-ray diffraction

Crystal structure database, with peak positions.
UnitCell, a unit cell refinement program for use with X-ray diffraction data.
USGS intro to X-ray powder diffraction. USGS training site, theory and practice.
Bragg’s Law and Diffraction, diffraction animation video.
Union College XRD pages: old Philipsnew Rigaku.

Scanning electron microscopy

Introduction to scanning electron microscopes (pdf)
Energy dispersive X-ray analysis (video)
Union College SEM page