Rigaku: X-Ray Tube

Image: xray_tube

The actual X-ray tube is a glass and metal thing inside the visible housing. It’s rigidly mounted on a counterweighted goniometer arm, and swings up and around the sample according to its θ angle. Don’t let anything get in its way! The sample stays stationary, it’s the tube and detector that move.

The tube has a copper target, 2.2 kW rating, and a long, fine focus target spot (0.4 x 12 mm).

Image: over_v_limit

Just inside the XRD doors, below the sill, is the tube power limit switch. It should always be set to 2.2 kW for this tube. If it is set to anything else, set it back to 2.2 kW.

Image: xrd_hv_on

This shows the high voltage power supply in its on state, with X-rays on (power to the tube). Blinking red lights mean there is a problem. See hardware instructions.

Image: xrd_hv_off

This shows the high voltage power supply on, with X-rays off (no power to the tube). Blinking red lights mean there is a problem. See hardware instructions.