Paper Reduction Proposal

My green fee proposal concerns reducing the amount of paper used on campus. Paper makes up 27% of municipal solid waste in the U.S., more than any other material that Americans throw away. College campuses are clearly a place of mass consumption of paper due to the amount of assignments printed, tests, and note taking. In order to reduce this, I would suggest that all professors ban printing of assignments and use online submissions for grading instead. Another suggestion is requiring online note taking rather than writing them out in a majority of classes besides upper level math or engineering etc. Finally, we should only purchase paper that is made from recycled materials. For example, there is already a few notebooks in the bookstore made from these recycled materials. Although this idea can be tricky for reasons such as better memory retention of written out notes, or classes that cannot type equations, I think that it can help with certain classes. Together, the individual paper-saving efforts made across departments can help to reduce Union College’s waste and carbon footprint, building momentum towards becoming a more sustainable campus.

3 thoughts on “Paper Reduction Proposal

  1. This is a great idea as the college is a place where we consume hight numbers of wood related materials. This proposal could help eliminate the waste gap by a large number.

  2. This is a great idea which I fully support. Professors will not have assigned books to buy from the bookstore which encourages them to recall articles that have to do with what is being taught in the specific class. They then proceed to hang out multiple copies of the same article to every student which of courses enhances the amount of paper waisted. It’s ridiculous and people should stick to reading things online or ebooks.

  3. This is very important. Reducing paper consumption and paper waste is a huge issue for the world right now because not only does it kill lots of trees, which is bad for many reasons, but it also wastes the precious resources that trees produce. Now that we possess the technology that is required to go paperless, there is no reason why we shouldn’t.

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