Categories and Posts vs. Pages

Categories and Postscategory


Categories are a way to group related posts together. Think of Categories as a way to organize your posts. Many departments have a Faculty Category, with each faculty member as a post with their photo and description. The Anthropology Department has each faculty members as a post, all under the category of “Faculty”.  From the menu, when you click on the Faculty Category, what you see is a list of posts with an excerpt of the text and a featured image. Clicking on the Read More  button will take you to the actual post.

Posts are entries within a category that are typically listed in reverse chronological order which makes them perfect for recent news, upcoming events, etc. Blogs (short for Web Logs) were originally developed for online journaling so the most recent post is displayed first. Posts and Categories are dynamic and meant to have updated posts added to the category.

All Posts must be assigned to a Category, and can be in more than one category. If you have not created a Category, the post will be assigned as Uncategorized.

Click HERE to get started creating Categories and Posts.



Pages are what we think of in a website, and most websites are made up of many pages. They are static and not listed by date, and generally offer you  more control over the look and feel. Pages can be assigned to category, but it’s not required.

Click HERE to get started creating Pages.