Creating Categories and Posts

Categories are ways to organize your posts.  You can create a post and then assign it to one or more categories. There will always be an “Uncategorized” category, and if you don’t assign your post to one of your own categories, the post will automatically be “Uncategorized”.


Create a Category


Create a category called Featured..


Dashboard | Posts | Categories

  • Enter Featured in the Name text box.
  • Click on the Add New Category button to save it.


Create a Post

Posts are entries that are usually in reverse chronological order, although you can choose to organize them differently.


Dashboard | Posts | Add New

  • Enter the title of your post into the test box – “Slider 1” in the example.
  • Enter any text you want in the body of the post. Learn how to insert a photo HERE.
  • In the Categories box in the right side bar, check the box beside the  category you wish to have this post assigned. In this case, it’s assigned to the Featured category.
  • Click on the Publish button.    publish-button

update-buttonOnce you’ve published your post this button will say “Update“.  Anytime you make a change to your post or page you’ll need to click the Update button.


  • View your post by clicking on the View Post button by the name of your post or the View Post link in the black Admin Bar.






To create a Category

Dashboard | Posts | Categories
Enter the title for your category
Click on the Add New Category button to save it.


To create a Post:

Dashboard | Posts | Add New
Enter your title
Enter text, photos, etc. (find out to insert photos HERE)
Assign the post to a category


See HERE for information on how to manage the Media Library and insert images into your post.